Chapter 42- Hydra

Start from the beginning

"We knew you had won, but it had been the most devastating way of winning anyone could have possibly imagined. When we saw Thanos power dissipate across the cosmos and astral plane we knew we were safe, but we saw the dying light that was your power, slowly ebbed away by the oncoming darkness. Your power flowed across the universe, in a beautiful bright white haze, igniting stars and giving power to the rest of us. Your life was much more important, than anyone had ever realised. We counted you as one of the many lives that surrounded us, that day when we saw your sacrifice for us, we tried everything to get you back, many of us scarified waves of power on summoning and resurrecting you that day, trying to find, trying to bring back the spark of wondrous light that had changed our world forever." Tears flowed heavily from his deep grey eyes now; I moved my thumbs gently over his comforting him in some sense. He looked into my own storm blue and green eyes and smiled sorrowful smile at me.

"You came back into the world like a gift from a god we did not deserve. Alive with new energy, with the laws of conservation energy cannot be destroyed only transferred or changed from one form to another. Many of us sensitives had gathered together and willing gave our own energy in order to sustain you, you drew of us as we drew on you." He bent his head down and kissed the thumbs that were gently stroking his.

"Your return, pulled energy from dying stars causing hundreds of implosions across the universe, you came back stronger than before, more energy had been transferred to you that you had given out, you were special and the cosmos knew that." He rested his forehead against mine and his hands as he levitated in the middle of the library.

He pulled his face up from our hands and gave me a small heartfelt smile. I could see that Doctor Strange was not a man used to revealing highly intense emotions. He was used to be in control yet around me he wished to lose if wished to show me the burden, the pain he carried.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door causing me to look towards it. I could hear no mental voice on the other side. Strange pulled one of his hands away from mine to point towards the door without even looking away from me, which opened quickly to reveal Logan standing there. He had a cigar in his mouth and a scowl directed straight towards Stephen, as he stood there in the doorway.

The Library was shielded meaning I had to push myself to hear the outside world, and with Logan's adamantium skull I would have to push even harder to even here a mental whisper of his thoughts. Stephen didn't pull his other hand away from mine, as he continued to look at me with his now piercing grey eyes. the soft emotional side had vanished beneath layers of thick concealing smoke.

"Liberty I want to move your legs as if to stand like this." He uncrossed his legs and stood there in mid-air feet slightly pointed. I nodded and copied his movements.

"Now, concentrate on lowering yourself to the ground. Ignore anything in the room." He growled slightly as he looked out of the corner of his eye to Logan, causing Logan to suddenly bite back.

"What do you mean by ignore Bub?!" Logan suddenly marched forward, as I tried desperately to concentrate, Strange was suddenly pulled from my grasp by Logan. I stood there in mid-air hovering, as Stephen was pulled up by the lapels of his blazer to Logan's eye line.

"You really think it's a good move moving in on another guy's girl like that? Do ya' Bub!?" he growled as his teeth bit through the cigar held between his canines, snapping it in two. Logan drew back a fist, about to punch. Suddenly Strange ducked his arms through Logan's and pushed his strong arms apart. Releasing Logan's grip on him. He then moved his hands, he balled his hand into a fist and pressed his thumb into his chest them raised his forefinger and middle finger together them pushed it forward, sending the obviously seething form of Logan sprawling across the library, and into a book case which quickly cracked under the force that Logan was thrown.

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