Chapter 3 : The Confession

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    So, we arrived at HQ. I had to go to the infirmary to get my leg checked. It turned out to be ok. They were surprised how it healed fast. I'll tell you about that later in the story. So, yeah they were surprised. Kono was standing beside me. Even herself was in shock.

    We headed back to the main headquarters. Steve asked of what the doctors have said. Kono answered in confusion ," The doctor said that she's fine. And the leg healed that fast." Danny asked in confusion as well, "How does a leg heal that fast? We all saw her leg crushed." I added, "Well, thanks for the added reference."


   We continued talking about my leg and how it is a miracle. I didn't want to sell my secret just yet. And as I said, I will tell you later in the story. So, I said to them, "Guys, can we stop talking about my leg and just focus about the case. And about that man." After all the discussing, they finally agreed. Thank goodness, or else, there will be no ending in that talk session.

    Firstly, we talked about the stranger. He just seemed that familiar but I just can't put my finger into it. We had to interrogate him. I followed. To see where this was going. Hopefully my secret doesn't come out just yet. I was quite nervous to be honest.

    We entered the interrogation room. The stranger was looking at me the whole time. He said to me, "don't you remember me Jenny?" "How do you know my name?" I said. He sighed,"I forgot that he asked me erase your memory." 'What?! Erased my memories?!' was the only thing going through my head. I said to him in confidence," Who are you? And why do you know all about this?" I was in the urge to panic.


   He said, "Alright, I'll tell you. And a bonus, I'll give you're memories back." After that sentence, he quickly looked into my eyes and sent my memories back. I cringed into the pain, it actually hurt. Steve looked at me in concern. "STOP IT!" I screamed. The pain was unbearable. But, he didn't stop. "SERIOUSLY, STOP!" I screamed again. By then, Steve pulled out his gun and said, " STOP THIS!". After that, he stopped. All the memories rushing back to me and I started to feel light headed. Suddenly, black spots covered my vision and I blacked out.

   Steve ran to me and said, "Jen? Jenny?" Steve decided to carry me back to his office, because his office has a couch that I can lay on. I layed there limp and defenseless. I was quite tired with all the memories. It was a very excruciating thing. People think its harmless but really it hurts like hell.


  I had a dream, it wasn't a happy one. It was about my mom and how she died. I wanted to wake up but I just couldn't. In the dream, my mom came up to me and kept yelling, "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! WHY DID YOU ?! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT. I DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!" I spat back in tears, "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. I'M SORRY." 

  What I didn't realize was that I was talking in my sleep. That grew more concern from Steve. Steve looked at me the whole time. Kono was also concerned. I kept screaming and cringe. The memories were painful, Physically and Mentally. Chin was so angry of what the stranger has done to me. Chin went to the interrogation room once more.


  Chin met up with the stranger. And, punched him right in the face. The stranger spat,"I thought cops can't do that?!" They can't actually but Chin chose to take the risk. Kono runs in and stops Chin. They both leave the interrogation room.

    I was still in my nightmare. I wanted to get out of it so badly. "STOP IT!" I screamed. And at last, everything stopped. I woke up shaken by the horrors of my dreams. Steve ran to me and comforted me. I didn't want to remember that day. It was a nightmare and a death wish.

    Steve tried asking what had happened. All I said to him that it was a nightmare. I rather not tell him about it. He understood. I was still shaken about the dream. I cried quietly. Steve hugged me tighter. I felt relief after that.


    I wanted to finish this case. I stood up and wobbled a bit. Steve grabbed my arm for support. I thanked him for helping. I walked out from the office. Kono ran up to me in open arms. I was happy. She didn't want to ask of what happened in the dream. She cared a lot. Even the others went up to me and see if i was alright. It was the best. But the nightmare is still horrific.

   We looked into the monitor. I was still shaken a bit. But I was going to be fine, right? We tried finding his name. No luck. So, we had to do the facial recognition to find out. We waited till a light ding came out from the monitor. He was one of those special guys were you have powers. They are called Inhumans. And, it also says he works for Wo Fat. The most cruel person in Hawaii. And I finally saw his name, it was...

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