"Michael J. Essex" Alex answered back.

"Shall we go eat my dear, I am starving" I said and grabbed Edward by his arm, widening my eyes at him. He winked back.

As we walked to the dinning room Edward interrogated my brother, or Michael, and I am very proud to say that Alex lied smoothly not even with a stutter. Alex didn't asked much just what did Harry does for a living and his age, that was it.

When we sat down in the table, was when I realized the tension and awkwardness that filled the room. Harry was sitting at the end of the table, Alex at the other end and I was sat in the middle of one of the sides, left to Edward.

"So tell me Mike, may i call you Mike?" Harry chuckled, Alex nodded, he really didn't care how he was called. "How did you met Renata, and what do you think of her -Isn't she lovely? Are you dating though? Because she didn't tell me anything about you, but don't feel bad that is normal, she is a shy one" he finished and took a zip out of his cup of white wine.

"Edward, could please shut up, you are upsetting Michael and I. Please keep those questions for later" I said between my teeth trying to not loose my temper. "I taught you not to be like this" I added, he didn't like to be remembered the times I was his "teacher".

"It is okay Renata, I am not upset, maybe a little caught off guard" Alex took a zip of wine too, and all I could think about is how soon the bottle of liquor will finish up. "Yes you can call me Mike, Mister Styles, Renata is a very nice young woman; we are not dating since we don't have any romantic interest running among us; and I know it wasn't a question but I don't think she is shy at all" he smiled at the end and offered we a glance. I smiled.

"That is great, good memory. But, you didn't answer to where did you met, or the how" Harry insisted. Alex narrowed his eyes at him.

"Mister Styles-" "Harry call me Harry" Edward interrupted. "I am okay with Mister Styles since I don't really now you that well; where or how I was introduced into Renata's life isn't one of you concerns, if you really want to know then you can ask Renata, since she is the one who is introducing me to you and she will say how much about our relationship as she considers fair. Now if you excuse me, may I use your telephone? I have to make a call to Florida" Alex stood up and Harry nodded with anger all written over his face.

As Alex walked away to do, really, God nows what, Harry grabbed his chair and moved it just beside mine. When the personal finished picking up the table, Edward placed his feet over it and took a cigarette out of his pocket. I watched him the entire time till he light it up.

"What is wrong with that stuck up?" Edward asked.

"I hate when you express yourself like that, and to answer your question, he doesn't like you because you have not make anything to befriend him at least" I puff and place my short hair behind my ear.

"Thanks for being honest" he paused to take a drag. "I am not going to insist of how you met that twat, but I hope that you trust me enough to talk to me, Renata. You are my darling after all and I love you to the moon and back" he said and kissed my hand.

"Sweet Harry, very sweet of you that gesture" I said and smiled.

"Who do you think he is talking to? Florida? Why would a New Yorker has something to do with Florida?" Edward asked impatiently. "Maybe it is a friend Edward, I really don't care, it is his life not yours so get out of it. You have been quite rude this evening and it is upsetting me and really getting on my nerves" I groan.

" I am sorry Renata" he kisses my shoulder. "is just that I worry about you" kisses the base of my neck. "I want to know if you are save," kisses my neck. "if you are happy," kisses my jaw. "if you know what you are doing"

"Edward, I know how to control my life, I know what I am doing" I shook him off of me, plus I can hear foot steps, Alex.

"I am sorry Mister Styles, but Renata and I have a compromise over town, a party to be exact and it is really important for us to attend" Alex said from the door.

"Where is this lovely thing you are ditching me for?" he whispers to me.

"The 5th" Alex answered for me.

"Great Mike, is it in the 5th? Because I have a party too over there. What if  we go all together in my car? The blue car outside" Edward is a stupid arsehole.

"Sure, that will be lovely" Alex answers with a cheshire smile.


Okay before you kill me, I get it....almost a year without updating. I suck!

But here it is, it is not a filler I actually had this dinner planned and the party will be important in the story. I am really sorry again and I am grateful for 5.4k views....wow.

love you all.

Fabi xx

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