Ring-pops and 3rd Grade Weddings [Slash]

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SLASH. G for intense fluff.

"If you live to be a hundred, I hope to live to be a hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." - Winnie the Pooh

Ring-pops and 3rd Grade Weddings

As kids they practiced getting married one day.

Dustin and Tyler meet at five and six years old on the first day of kindergarten. Dustin is small, sorta thin and scrawny looking, as well as shy and introverted. The older kids pick him as target on the playground, having his lunchbox pried open on the very first day of school, trying not to cry as the big fourth grade bullies scarf down his meal right in front of him.

Tyler is the complete opposite of the scrawny kid with hazel eyes; he’s tall for his age, with a fiery spirit and a love for kickball. He doesn’t take no for an answer.

And he definitely doesn’t appreciate four kids bullying a kid who's three years younger than them.

It isn’t to say he’s opposed to violence, but the odds just don’t seem all that fair. Haven’t they heard that saying about picking on somebody their own size?

So Tyler decides to serve a little school-yard justice and kids of all ages crowded around as they watched the six year old give each bully a fat lip and bloody nose. Teachers were called and other fourth graders were rushing in to help their classmates. He took that as his cue to take the kid’s hand and push past the crowd, the both of them running across campus as kids cheered.

They hid in a bathroom stall for the rest of the day and were inseparable ever since.






It was third grade when a dumb girl named Brittany Taylor tried to explain to them what kissing was.

“No way,” Tyler concluded, sticking out his tongue in disgust. The three of them, plus Daniel Thompson, were sitting ontop of the jungle gym. And the boys couldn’t believe their ears. “That’s disgusting! What kind of boy would want to put his lips on….a girl?” They all blanched.

“Plenty,” Brittany insisted. “My sister goes to the big kid school up the road and she said boys and girls kiss all the time. It’s like a rule or somethin'. Like you have to kiss somebody or…you’ll die or whatever. But it has to be somebody you like or it doesn’t work.”

The boys glanced at each other in alarm, wondering if she could really be telling the truth. “Like how would we die?”

She shrugged. “You’d blow up.” It was stated so matter-of-factly that Dustin almost fell off the jungle gym from sheer shock. Luckily, Tyler took a hold of his arm and steadied his almost shaking body, murmuring quiet reassurance.

The bell rang a couple minutes later and they all hurried off to class.

All except Tyler and Dustin.

They ran off towards a secret spot they found in first grade, it was an old, closed up, single person bathroom that was locked and unused. Tyler checked to see if the coast was clear before grabbing an old, empty crate that was stacked up around the corner to hoist Dustin up. Dustin gently pushed the rectangular window open, sliding in through and carefully landing on the sink. Tyler followed soon after, the two of them looking on edge.

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