Chapter 6

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Yeeey chapter 6 is here!! Hope you guys are liking so far! And thank yu for the 144 views!! Txx


Chapter 6

* Tatiana's POV *

After bring them food, I noticed that some of them were already feeling a little bit dizzy.

-Go to your positions. – Mack said leaving the kitchen.

Some time passed and I went to their table

-Is everything okay? – I asked looking at them

-We are feeling dizzy. – Dexter said trying to look at me

Well, the drug had worked. Then, they entered the restaurant with their masks and guns on their hands.

-Everyone at the ground! Everyone now! – Ben screamed and everyone got up of their seats and went to the ground. I was next to the Asian guy who was lying on the ground. They stole the money that was there.

When I looked at them every single of them was K.O.

-You! Get up! – I looked up and I see Mack grabbing my arm and push me to the back part of the restaurant where was the van with Richard inside.

-Stay here and wait.

I nod to Mack and he entered again and Luke, Mario, Ben and Mack one by one they brought the cast and put them in the back of the van. Me and Richard put them handcuffs in their hands with the arms behind their backs and put some rope on their legs so they can't run away.

-We left the kid there. – Ben said

-Good job guys. Now let's get out of here and go to the safe house.


The safe house belonged to Ben. It was a really big house in the middle of a forest. Like I said before, the house was huge, had three floors. Downstairs was the kitchen, the dining room, two bedrooms, and one of them (the biggest one) was empty and it was where the cast would be locked, and in the next room is where Mack will stay. Upstairs had 4 rooms, one for me because I'm the only girl, one for Harry and his computer system, one for Luke and Richard and one for Ben and Mario. I had bathroom in my room, and it had other bathrooms in the hall downstairs and upstairs too. In the last floor had a library. Which surprised me because; I bet that Ben never read a book.

When we arrived with the van I looked at Richard.

-Richard? – I called him

-Yes? – He said turning off the van

-Do you promise me that anything bad happens to these guys? – I asked with a low voice

-I promise Tatiana, they are only being used to win money. – He said smiling to me as he grabs my hand. I sighed and got out of the van. Mack was already there.

-Do we have to use our masks around them? – Mario asked

-They already saw my face. – I said crossing my arms

-I don't think we need to use. – Mack said as he opened the van where they were.

I looked at them and they were all 7 lying sleeping. The drug worked really well.

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