Secrets dont make friends

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Waking up I'm hot, entirely too hot. I try to move, but am stuck. For a moment I panic, then I realize that I'm in mashed between two hard bodies of the guys I love. I start to try to wiggle my way out, with no luck. I let out an exasperated breath, and a chuckle behind me makes me sigh.

"Some help please?" I mutter. "I'm stuck."

A few more seconds of masculine chuckles go by, and I am contemplating payback, before Aiden finally stops laughing and shifts over some so I can get up.

"Thank you," I say as I stand up and stretch.  Looking around for my other guy I see that Kyle is sound asleep in the recliner, snoring lightly. Turning back to glance at Logan I see that he too is sound asleep and has taken over the spot I just escaped from and now is coming perilously close to snuggling Aiden. "I think someone wants you to cuddle him Aiden." I tease as I start to exit the room.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Aiden whisper yells as he pushes Logan off him and stands up. Coming over to me he gives me a sleepy kiss, "let's go lay back down." He suggests.

"I'm hot, I'm going to take a shower." I tell him as I gently pull myself from his arms. His proximity is making me a different kind of hot.

"You're always hot" Aiden replies like he can read my mind and every dirty thought in it. Knowing that I can't do any of the images that had popped into my head with an audience I just shake my head at him, not replying, as I head to grab clothes for a shower.

I shower, feeling better and not like I'm covered in sweat and make a mental note to turn the heat down the next time we do this so I don't end up roasted again.
As I am getting dressed for the day I hear all three of my guys talking so I know they are now all awake. The thought of starting every morning with them has me smiling and humming as I make my way to the kitchen. Aiden is by himself poking in the fridge. Kyle and Logan must be putting the living room back together.

I have perfect timing, I enter the room just as the coffee is done. I head to get myself a cup of it but Aiden intercepts me.

Grabbing me by the hips and placing a kiss my on my lips, before turning me and placing a playful slap on my butt, he directs me to the table. Then he grabs me a cup of coffee, places it in front of me and steps back.

"Love, don't dress up for our date, I don't want to mess up nice clothes and that's all I'm saying about it," Aiden says wagging his finger at me and then gently closing my mouth; it had popped open to ask him where we are going.

He turns around and sticks his head in the fridge to ignore the puppy dog eyes I am directing at him. 

I sigh in mock defeat, I really want to know and want to ask, but know that it will get me nowhere. What can I do to get the answers I seek. Maybe if I ask a series of questions I'll have more luck I think as I plan my next move.

Casually sipping at my coffee. I pick my moment, when he has is back to me and casually begin. "So.." I start and get cut off.

"Nope. Just wear what you got on or something simple. No questions," he says grinning at me and I can't help but pout. I want to know.

"What are you pouting about Cupcake?" Logan asks coming into the kitchen. I hadn't heard him approach, and judging by his wet hair he had also taken a shower. A line of water droplets cling to his neck and I have to resist the urge to go trace them with my tongue.
Logan comes over and kisses my pout away, distracting me momentarily from my fact finding plot. "Morning Cupcake, I missed waking up with you in my arms." Logan says as he kisses me one more before pulling away to grab a cup and pour some coffee.

I watch him, admiring the way his body moves, completely forgetting why I had been pouting. Seeing Aiden smirking at me as he starts lines up the items he's chosen for our breakfast. See his smirk makes me remember.

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