The imposible

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I wake up alone but I can still feel the warmth from another body and seeing as I was in Kyle's bed I would guess it was him who had been there. I can hear male voices and realize there's more than just the three that I've come to recognize anywhere. With a heavy sigh I throw the covers back and get out of the bed. I grab some clothes, then decide to make the bed before making my way to the shower. I take a quick shower and get ready before I head out to the living room to find three guys I don't recognize though they look vaguely familiar. "Good morning baby doll." Kyle says speaking first.
"Good morning cupcake!" Logan brightly adds.
"Good morning sweetie." Aiden says. I look around before replying.
"Good morning." I smile.
"Oh this is Tucker James, Christopher Fuller and Mason Fisher." Aiden says, pointing as he goes.
"Gentlemen this is Grace Mills, Brittany's sister." Aiden introduces me. I smile and wave. "I'm just going to go get coffee." I say.
"I'll get it, you sit." Aiden says standing up.

I walk towards where Kyle is sitting, prepared to sit on the floor seeing as all available seats are taken, not wanting to take Aiden's seat since he was nice enough to get me coffee. I go to slide down to the floor when Kyle wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me onto his lap. Aiden comes back with my coffee and I thank him before taking a sip.
"Tucker and his men were just filling us in on what they have found." Aiden says. Tucker let's out a heavy sigh before he talks.
"The girl is Brittany." He sadly says.
When he finishes, Christopher hands him a photograph and Tucker hands it off to Aiden. Aiden looks at it before looking up at me.
"It's her." He says handing it to Logan.
"Sweetie I think it's best if you don't see it." Aiden looks at me full of sympathy. I just nod my head positive that he is correct and I don't need to see that picture of my sister.

"Well, should we get started on the plan?" Mason speaks up after a moment of silence. "Yeah." Aiden says and stands up.
"Wait. What plan?" I ask.
"A plan to get your sister back sweetie." Aiden answers.
"We will just be in the dining room if you need us cupcake." Logan adds. I go to stand but Kyle just squeezes me to him.
"We're going to get Brittany home baby doll." He whispers and kisses my cheek before lifting me up then once he's standing he sits me back down into the chair.
I watch as they exit the room before getting up and grabbing my kindle so I can read.

My stomach growls and I look at the time and see its past lunch time. Shutting down my kindle I decide to head into the kitchen. I pause at the dining room.
"I was going to make some sandwiches, would anyone like anything?" I ask.
"No thank you cupcake." Logan says. I nod and head to the kitchen.
I'm leaning over the counter eating my sandwich when it hits me.
I walk into the dining room. "You guys used to be friends with Brittany" I say.
"Yeah...she stopped talking to us." Tucker sadly states.
"Okay. I just wanted to see if I was correct. Sorry for interrupting." I say, realizing I just barged in on their meeting.
"No worries sweetie." Aiden says smiling at me. I smile and go back to the kitchen, I had known those guys looked vaguely familiar.

I finish eating and decide to ignore what the guys said and make them sandwiches anyways. I plate the sandwiches, grab a couple bags of chips and several bottles of water. I take the plate of sandwiches to the dining room and without a word I set them down on the table. I go back and grab the chips and set them on the table too when Aiden gently grabs my wrist.
"Sweetie what are you doing?" He asks with a twinkle in his eye. I shrug.
"Making sure you eat." I say. He lets me go and I go grab the waters.
"Let me get those sweetie." Aiden says laughing.
Once they are settled again I head to the living room.


We have been over the plan a hundred times now. We should be able to get Brittany out safely and take James White into custody. Grace had not only got us lunch but had made us dinner also which was probably a good thing or we wouldn't have eaten.

In just a few short hours we would be going on our recovery mission, leaving at 5am.
"Well I think we should head on to bed." Aiden says with a smile. Luckily the bastard had already sent Grace on to bed, because she insisted on getting up with us even though it could be several hours before we were allowed to leave.

I was ready to crawl in bed with Grace. I had sent her to my bed so I could get to cuddle her before we left. I really hoped everything went well tomorrow and we could get Brittany back without any problems. Stripping down to my boxers I crawled into bed and curled around Grace. Tomorrow was going to be a long day for everyone.

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