Chapter 1 Finding my sister

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Hey guys! I did say I would post the official chapter one right c;? Lol hope u enjoys!!! ;)

Still Jonathan's pov
I'm in a room full if darkness and see blood all over me. "Welcome Jonathan" a mysterious voice says. "Who's-who's there?!" I ask and see still the same thing blood and darkness. "Hahaha~ u don't remember me?" The voice asked. "Who's there!? Answer!!!" I scream. I'm so scared. "Do u remember why u lost your sane?" The voice asked laughing maniacally. I then stood there on the verge of tear since I remembered. My uncle killed my parents and sister in front of me. "U BASTARD!" I screamed. "Don't worry I didn't kill pacific." (Idk what her real name is so hehe CX xD) "what where WHEREBIS SHE!" I screamed feeling tears coming down my face. "You'll find her soon Jonathan."

Then I woke up. Crying. Everyone was looking at me. Angie was holding me in her arms. "What happened.?" I asked getting loose of her grip. "U fainted out of the blue and started to cry." She told me crying and ran to hug me. "I'm just so happy your safe." She said. "I have to go..." I tell her. "Where are u gonna go?" She told me confused. "I need to find someone that I thought died a long long long time ago." I let go and grabbed my knife from where I left it. The guys stared at me and ran to the door and blocked it. "Where are u going?" Lui asked sounding as confused as I did. "I can't talk about it ok? It's my secret and besides its delirious." I told them and ran out the window. Angie's place was in an apartment on the floor 46. I have done this before so I know what to do. I see a ledge and land there. "I am delirious." I tell my self and let my insane side show.. I need to find her. I need to find pacific.

Angie's pov. (Didn't see this eh? Hehe c; •H•)

I look out my broken window. I want to cry. "Jonathan?.." I whisper to myself.. "ANGIE WHY THE HELL DID HE?! WHY DID U BRING A MANIAC HERE?!" Evan yelled at me. "I had to Evan.." I whisper. "Angie what the hell are u talking a bout?!" He yelled. "I GOT HIS MEMORY BACK BY LETTING HIM KILL THE MAN WHO TOOK MY SISTER AWAY FROM ME!" I was crying. And he and the guys didn't say anything. Marcel came to me and hugged me. I cried into his chest. "He helped me feel better he took his part. He became insane when I told him about the man!" I screamed. "I know a lot about delirious by looking through his past. He's looking for his sister Pasific." I tell everyone. "His uncle killed his parent and "killed" his sister but she didn't die she's with his uncle.." I tell them whimpering. "He lost his sane when he saw the blood and their dead bodies.." I cry and for little bit before continuing. "HELP ME FIND HIM PLEASE!!" I tell them. I sob and get all agree and we will look for him tomorrow morning.

Next morning!

Delirious pov.

I'm searching for a police station. I finally found one I enter and see the woman at the desk. "Hello sir do u need anything?" She asks me. "I need u to locate my uncles house." I tell her. "Name?" She asks. Wow she didn't even care to ask why. " Marshall Denis." I tell her. "Ok! So his address is 5692 Necter bee drive." She tells me not looking at me. "Thank u." And then I leave. To see Angie and the guys. "Please don't stop me." I tell her and she just runs to hug me. "Please we will help u helped me!" She yelled and I was confused. "How did I help u ma'am?" I hug her back and hear her giggle. "U killed the man who took my sister away. I've been so great full .." She sighed into my chest. "She was a victim...?" I ask as she nods I let go and tell them. "Just follow me." They all nod and get into their cars. I think hey expected me to get in but I nod no and tell myself. "I am delirious." And let insanity take over. I ran and ran as fast as I could. They followed.
Few hours later.
We found his house. The house with my sister in it. I pound on the door. I made sure I had my mask on. I kind of forgot I had my mask. He answered. "Ah! Jonathan my boy! U came for her haven't u!?" He yelled. I just stood there gripping my knife. "Come in come in and he sees my friend u too come in!!" He told them all and they followed behind me. "Where is she." I tell him. "Ah of course! PACIFIC!!" He yelled and a girl that looks 2 years younger than me came in with bruises and scars and cuts. I handed my knife to Angie and ran to her. "Jonathan why did u come?" She tells me sounding weak. "I can't I find out u were alive I had to." I tell her. "Please leave this was an only way for u to work for him.." She tells me as she faints. I cry. And turn to see the guys and Angie there are guys holding knifes to their necks Angie had my knife but she hi it in her pocket. "Dear Jonathan boy what she said was true. U can take her and let our friends die or leave her and let your friends live." My uncle says to me with a devil smile. "I choose none." I griped my fist. "Awe my boy I know what u are now your insane!" He yelled. "I know and it's not my fault is it?" I tell him. "These men with not hesitate. So join me and they all are free. By the way take of that hideous mask." He tells me. "I will take the mask of but let me think about the offer u cannot kill my friend if u do I WONT hesitate." I growl. I then took my mask off to reveal my face. It had scars going through my left eye and 3 more on my right cheek. I put my mask on my sister. "My boy your eyes they lost its shine!" He tells me. My eyes are not the baby bright blue likes when I was young. "I lost it remember?" I tell him. "Well when do they shine?" He asks he knows when they do. "When I kill someone. An innocent." I mumbled. "My dear nephew choose now." "I want u to let them all go and I won't work for u." I growl. "My boy that not an option. "HOW DO U EXPECT ME TO WORK FOR U WHEN U KILLED MY PARENTS U ASS WHOLE YOU SISTER! DO U THINK ILL BE SO EASY TO GET IM NOT A FUCKING TOY U BITCH!" I yell. "Then what are u then Jonathan?" He asks smirking think that I won't do anything. "I. am. Delirious." I say and when he blinked I was gone then he turned to his men they were all dead. My friends and sister still alive. I giggle my insane giggle. "Heheh u think u know me 'uncle?'" I TELL HIM. I continue giggling. "Angie my friend take everyone and make sure u don't leave my sister I will be fine ma'am." I tell her and she obeys. She tells basically to grab my sister and he picks her up bridal style and he leaves first the rest following. "Uncle u can join mommy and daddy." I tell him and with a blink I killed him. And used his blood to write. REVENGE.
I stop my insanity and leave the house. I ran to the car my sister was in and she was awake and she was scarred when she saw me. "Big brother why are u all bloody?!" She stutters.. "I made sure he won't be back I'll make sure your safe. I had my mask on. No one knew I was smiling tears of joy to hold my sister. "I missed u Jonathan..." She whimpers. "I missed u to Pacific.." I sit next to her holding her in my arms. I was all bloody no one wanted to talk and Angie just stared at me looking glad I'm ok. "Angie.. Thank u," I tell her and she smiles and nods. I thank the rest and then say. "I think I should leave. Take care of my little sister please?" Angie shot her head towards me. "No u stay with me u and your sister she needs her brother right now Jonathan." She said strictly. "Hey Angie?" I ask "wut?" "I'll only listen to u ok?.." I look at her with thankful eyes. "Ok del ok.." She says smiling. "Delirious?" I hear Evan say. "I'm surprised I'm saying this to a maniac but... I guess I'm glad you're safe I guess." He said. I don't know why but my heart was racing fast. "Thank u man. And thank u guys for coming I'm sorry u could have died but I'm glad I saved u before hand." I lifted my mask to show a smile on my lips. He smirks and turns to the window. I pull my mask back down and feel myself heat up. 0///^\\\0.... "Big brother..." My little sister says. "Yes pacific?" I look down at her. "It hurts.." She looks pale. I then see one of her cuts are bleeding. "NO NO NO NO!! I screamed and took my hoodie off and wrap it around her cut. I hug her and feel a pulse. "Angie GO TO YOUR APARTMENT OR JOB OR ANYTHING PLEASE!!" I yell as I feel tears coming down my face. "Big brother I will be with momma and daddy.." She says... "No please don't leave me please I was so alone I don't want to loose u!" I hug her feeling more and more tears coming down my face. "I won't then I'll stay awake to see u and please take off your mask I missed seeing your face.." She says smiling weakly. I take my mask off only to let people see I'm crying and she cries too. "I won't die bro I'll be strong. We reach the hospital and Angie brought her straight to the emergency room.
Few hours later like 1-3 hours lel
"It's been hours!" I scream and punch a wall. Angie soon walks out of the emergency room smiling. "Angie! Is my sister ok?! Please tell me she is!!" I yell still no mask and still crying. "She is Jonathan she needs u she's sleeping tho so stay next to her. I smile and run inside. She's sleeping peacefully, she isn't pale either... I turn around to see the guys staring at my face. "Wut..." I said. "We need to know what happened u killed him didn't u?..." Craig said hiding behind Tyler who was blushing wildly I could tell even if he was wearing a mask. I nod. They just stood there. "I can't let him hurt anyone I made sure u guys were all right. I made sure u didn't die." I said looking back to my sister. "Why did u though?! U could have just let us all die we don't know each other well.." David said. The others nod in agreement. "I did it because I owe Angie you are like her family and I can't have her cry I front of me again. She just reminded me of my little sister." I said and sat by my sisters bed. "U care about her like a sister and u care about us like ur family?" Lui said. "Yes even. If I didn't know u I trust u all." I came clean to saying no trust them. "Aren't u supposed to trust NO ONE?" Marcel asks. "Yes but I can trust a few people btw ask Angie out already!" I tell him with a wink. I can tell he's blushing. "W-what do-do u mean-n..." He stutters which makes me laugh my butt off and so does the others. "Man U are to obvious." I chuckle. "I know a few people who are too." He says looking at Lui and Nogla who seem to blush. I laugh more. My sister wakes up. "Hey bro bro.." She says weakly still. "Shh don't talk rest I won't leave I'll keep u safe.." I tell her and held her hand. She nods and falls back asleep. "Who knew maniacs has soft sides." I hear Lui say. I laugh a little. "Man not every maniac do. If u want to know don't try to ask if they do or not." I said laughing a little bit. "Well I don't want to ask." He said sounding nervous cuz of what I said. We all then start to laugh as Angie walked into the room. And asks "what did I miss?" "Nothing Angie nothing serious." I smile telling her. I then turn to Marcel and wink at him causing him to blush and just stand there embarrassed. We then all decided to stay with my sister. Angie brought in extra beds with the help of Marcel and I. We were all talking and laughing in the room before I started to feel light headed and dizzy and I felt a pain in my chest. I look there an saw blood. "How did I not notice this?...." I say and everyone saw what I meant. I then felt even more dizzy and stand trying to go to Angie until. All I see is darkness.

HEY GUYS!! Cliffhanger mehehehe c; xD it is cranky midnight XDD haha lol do I will make the second chapter when I wake up Kay? XD lol hope u enjoyed and I think this is going good and yes I know there is barely any h2ovanoss stuff but be patient ok? XD lol hope u enjoyed tho and byee!!!

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