2. The Girl

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Hi guys! So what better way to procrastinate French homework than Wattpad! Anyways, I'm really happy people are actually enjoying my story and homework's not as bad so I'll try to write a lot! And can I just say Troye Sivan's WILD came out today and I'm kind of freaking out.

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Talia's POV

"Next, what is your favorite Starbucks drink?" I ask the boys. I wasn't actually planning on helping Dan and Phil, but the 5 Seconds of Summer boys seemed to want me there.

"I like a nice mocha." Ashton Irwin responds, giggling for no apparent reason.

"I prefer a cotton candy frappucino, actually." Michael Clifford adds.

"I like an vanilla latte." Luke Hemmings says, his white girl showing.

"I like an iced vanilla chai." Calum Hood adds with a little smile.

Dan laughs at Calum's response, then says, "Talia's not the only one who likes that? There are other strange people?"

"I guess they're pretty compatible then!" Ashton says, making Calum and Luke give him a glare.

"Let's get into the personal stuff that everyone wants to know. Are any of you in a relationship? And if not, what was the last relationship you were in?" Phil asks.

"I'm dating pizza. It's been going on for about ten years. We're getting pretty serious." Michael's comment makes us all laugh.

"I want to focus more on the band than a relationship, you know? But if someone shows up along the way I won't just ignore them." Ashton answers. (A/N: Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that my computer does not believe that Ashton is a real name/word?)

"I don't have a girlfriend either. I just haven't really found the right girl yet." Luke tells us.

"I'm not in a relationship right now. The last time I was in one was about four months ago." Calum says this, looking right at me, his eyes seem to be pleading me. Those eyes are so familiar, so easy to get lost in.

"Well, that's all the time we have today guys. I'm Dan!"

"I'm Phil!"

"And I'm Talia!"

"Thanks for listening to our show today! Tune in Monday at 2:45 to listen to our next show." Dan says. He turns off the the microphones and breathes a sigh of relief.

"It was nice interviewing you boys! You seem very nice. If you're not busy later you can join us at Red Robin for dinner later." Phil offers.

"We'd love to." Calum answers.

"Where are you guys staying?" I ask.

"We have a place downtown." Ashton tells us.

"Well you can stop by our place if you want to. Or we can stop by your place." Dan says.

"We'll just meet you there." Michael responds.

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Hi guys. So sorry this is kinda in the middle of the story but I'm just now picking up this story after everything that happened. So sorry if it's not as good as before, as I am at the point where I don't even know if I believe in love anymore.

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Calum's POV

How do I talk to a girl I know almost every single little detail about, yet she doesn't even remember me? 

These thoughts are kill me. I'm sitting right across from her, she's asking me questions about my life, and I already know the answer to all the questions I'm asking her. We finished our food about 20 minutes ago, and yet we're all so caught up in conversation that no one wants to leave.

"So Talia, how long have you been working at the radio station?" Ashton asks.

"Well, about a few months now. I started a week after I came out of the hospital. I was in this crazy car crash that no one was there for. And to add to that, I got amnesia as well, so I don't remember it either." Talia explains.

"Talia's one of the best we've ever had at the station though. She's so comfortable on the radio and she has the best taste in music." Dan adds.

"Dan, Talia, it's getting really late. We should probably head home now." Phil interrupts.

"You're right. You guys were seriously great to hang out with. You guys should stop by at the station if you're ever in the mood to talk again. It was nice meeting you all." Talia politely smiles at us.

We say our goodbyes and as Talia walks away I said the last thing I'd ever said to her before today. "Goodbye, Talia."

This time, she responds. She's not a helpless girl in a coma, recovering from being hit by a car. She's not unconscious, soon to wake up and not remember everything that happened between us. She's alive. She's here. She's really here. "Bye Cal." She says with a sweet smile. My heart melts, and I feel myself falling for her all over again.

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Hello guys! I'm sorry that sucked. Life's been crazy lately. I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety, and along with trying to balance school, my train wreck of a social life, and the thoughts going on inside my head, I haven't really had time to write. I'm super sorry and I promise I'll try to update more often. But, with everything that's been happening, I've kinda lost some inspiration. But thank you all so much for reading. I love you guys.

love, ri

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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