Chapter Fifteen

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Mike stood up and looked at me with a reassuring look.

"Tony, honey, please come here." I mentally fangirled that they were together but kept a stern expression as due to Selena hanging off my arm.

"Yes, ba-" Tony cut himself off as he saw Selena. "Oh, what's the slut doing here?" She scoffed and I rolled my eyes at her. I gave Tony and Mike another look that said 'help me please.' They both slightly nodded. Tony walked up to her and literally forced her physically off my arm and out the door. I sat down and thanked them but it was too soon. She ran back inside and sat on my lap.

"How did you get back inside?" She started kissing my neck and jawline. She pointed at the door without flattering her routine. I saw Sara walk in with a confused look on her face that was quickly replaced with a saddened one as she saw Selena kissing my neck and jawline. I went to push Selena off of me when Sara ran into the back room. She didn't look sad, she looked mad. Selena kept kissing my collar bones and I was fed up with it. I pushed her off of me and screamed at her.

"CAN YOU JUST FUCKING NOT?! WHY THE FUCK DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT?! YOU KNOW I CAUGHT YOU CHEATING!!! I WAS THE ONE WHO LITE THE HOUSE ON FIRE!! YOURE JUST A STUPID HOE THAT LIKED ME BECAUSE OF THE SLIGHT FAME I HAVE!! IF I COULD I WOULD GIVE IT UP!! BUT IM NOT ABOUT TO GIVE UP MY DADS AND MY FRIENDS I HAVE HERE!! JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE FOREVER!!" I stopped yelling at her due to being out of breath and she looked up at me with anger and fear mixed together. I didn't care. Be mad. I don't care about her. I only care for my Dads and Sara. She walked out of the bus but not before blowing a kiss in my direction. I was about to go beat the living shit out of her because we're both female and it wouldn't matter but Tony held me back. I was thrashing about and screaming and crying.

When he let do I was reduced to tears and whimpers from the floor. They tried to move me but whenever they did I'd just scream and yell at them or cry even more. Fuck, I'm a mess. I don't care. Everything is a mess now. Thanks to me. Why am I such a fuck up? God, I hate myself. I fucking hate how ignorant and straight up fucked I am. I'm just a little emo freak that should be dead. Fifth times the charm, right? 

Just when I was about to stand up to run to the bathroom Dad (Jaime) ran into the door. He was tearing up as he saw us looking at him and calmly walked to his bunk. Oh god dad, please be okay... Please. Wait. What happened to him? Why is he sad? Where's mum (Vic)?! What's happening to this family..?

*next day*

I woke up under the table. I must've crawled under there because I wasn't going to stand up anytime soon. I didn't want to move really but I had to go to the bathroom. I stood up and instantly became dizzy as I tried to walk.

"Ah! Fuck me!" I yelped as I grabbed my head with one hand and used the other to steady myself on the counter. Sara came running in. Why? I thought she hated me. Maybe she thought it was someone else yelling.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly as she grabbed my arm to hold me up. Why is she being nice? I was a complete and utter butch last night.

"Y-yeah.. I'm just a little dizzy is a-all.."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." She let go and let me walk to the bathroom. I did my business and walked back out. I heard faint sobs coming from Dad's bunk. I opened the curtain and crawled into his bunk closing the curtain behind me.

"You okay Dad?"

"Not really.."

"What? Why?"

"Vic... He.." He was chocking back sobs but not doing a very good job.

"What did mum do?" He winced when I said that. Seriously. What's wrong?


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