Chapter Three- Training

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In honor of #ForceFriday today, I'm updating!!

Hal quickly caught Jaina on a platform of green mana, and John decided that the first thing that they needed to train her was how to fly.

They brought her to the combat room, where Lanterns usually came to spar and train, adjacent to the armory. Like every other building, it was green, with a grid pattern outlined on the floor, ceiling, and walls in white.

"Alright," Hal stopped in the middle of the room, seeing as it was currently empty.

"The first thing is focus. When you get used to it, flying will be a second nature to you. But for the first few weeks, at least, you need to pay complete attention to your ring and focus only on flying."

Jaina nodded, showing that she understood.

"Alright," Hal held up Jaina's hand, "Now, command your ring to make you fly."

"Do I do it verbally, or..." Jaina trailed off, wondering how it was supposed to work.

"Verbally works best, but thinking it will get it done too." John told her.

Jaina stared at her ring, hard.

"Fly." She commanded.

Her voice was strong, confident, every inch of willpower that made her a Green Lantern was focused on making herself fly.

Her ring pulsed with an emerald light, and Jaina was covered with shimmering aura of the same color. It tickled just a little bit, but in a good way.

She looked down at her feet, and nearly lost focus. Her feet had lifted about a foot off the ground, and she was now almost staring down at Hal and John.

"Alright, now land." Hal instructed. Jaina's ring aura disappeared and she fell to the floor.

John sighed, but chuckled. "Clearly we need to work on our landings." Jaina glared at him.

Hal chuckled too walking over to the computer built into the wall. "Later. Let's try a bit of self-defense."

They spent an hour training Jaina in various forms of alien martial arts, and Jaina matched them exactly. After three hours, she could spar with Hal and pin him within ten minutes.

John laughed again, while Jaina offered Hal a hand up. "Should we see how she does against Kilowog?"

"Who's Kilowog?" Jaina cocked her head to the side, not catching Hal's panicked expression.

"Another Lantern," Hal explained quickly. "Let's try using your ring again."

They taught Jaina about the rings, what they could create. Their power had the same limits as your imagination. They taught her how to use her ring in battle.

John created twelve balloons with his ring, and Hal used his ring to throw daggers at the balloons. Jaina had to block all the daggers with only her ring, and keep the balloons from pooping

After a while, her ring began to beep and vibrate loudly. "What's that mean?" Jaina asked.

"It means your ring needs to be charged." John said.

Jaina nodded, and yawned.

"Looks like that's not the only thing that needs to be recharged." Hal grinned.

John went to his temporary room on Oa, while Hal got one set up for Jaina right next to his own. She collapsed on the bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Hal grinned at the sleeping girl, still in her Lantern's uniform, remembering when he first received his ring, and his first weeks of training with Kilowog.

Suddenly, he frowned to himself.

Where did she come from?

Why can't she remember?

What was hiding her from the Guardians?

Who was she?

Hal had a sneaking suspicion that something was wrong. Something went after Jaina, and she was subconsciously protecting herself.

"Don't worry, Jaina," He whispered, watching the teenager as she slept peacefully.

"You won't be alone."

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