Alfie steps slightly in front of the other boys and throws a fist in the brunettes face. To be quite frank, I wasn't expecting that, I thought it was all talk like in some other schools, but no, this was full on abuse.

Even though, with my new dickhead personality, I was not suppose to feel any emotion which could be considered 'bad' or 'unwanted' but I needed to keep up with the others around me.

I wasn't sure whether is was Tyler or Troye who was about to throw the next punch, which happened to be at this Lester kid, Alfie called me over.

At this point I was petrified, the other boy who had been previously hit was clutching his now bruised face whilst the black straight haired one, also known as Lester to the others, was shaking in fear. His blue orbs that you could swim in trembling in uncertainty.

"Troye," Oh okay mental note, the locked curled hair boy is Troye, "I say we let Danny boy here have a few goes, Dan, try to knock the idiocy out of him."

Shit. I actually had to hit him? Oh God, I can't do this! Even though I'm supposed to act like a dick, I can't hit someone. What did they do to deserve this?

"Alfie." My voice trembled, "I don't think this is wi-"

"Do it pussy." One of the others retorted.

"Aw is Danny boy scared" Alfie spoke sarcastically, I cringed slightly at the nickname.

I had to do this. I was going to do this. I was about to punch a boy I had no clue about square in the face. All of this effort just to 'fit in'. This world is ser-

My thoughts were cut short. The curly haired boy around the corner suddenly appeared again continuously shouting 'TEACHER'.

Everyone scrammed as soon as Marcus told us to. I gave Philip an incredibly unapologetic glance before running with everyone else in different directions.


Alfie, Marcus and I all came into Art late after that 'experience' and thankfully, this teacher, Mrs Yagami, was extremely chilled with uniform and the seating plan.

Albeit of this, I was the new kid and Alfie and Marcus rushed off to sit next to each other and the only remaining spaces being two free double desks at the front and the back, I chose to sit at the back.

Approximately two minutes later after I made an entrance, Lester and both the other boys, Chris and PJ, also walked in. They all posed a 'I'm-for-being-late-but-two-of-us-was-beaten-up' look and the teacher nodding as she understood. Being as there was only three seats remaining in the entire classroom, this meant that I would have to sit next to one of them.


I was just about to beat up one of them and then I have to sit next to one? Could this get any worse or awkward? Oh God.

Chris and PJ walk in another direction, with Chris still clutching onto his face in agony, the boy I was just about the beat up walks in my direction, looking at the floor and throws is bag down near the leg of the table. Could this get anyone.

The teacher takes the register, meaning I could secretly apologise to him. From the register, I have now learnt that 'Lester' goes by the name of 'Phil'.

"Look Phil I'm really sorr-" I'm cut of pretty much immediately.

"Save it, dickhead. Piss off." He snaps. Wow I've messed up bad.

"Right fine then but I'm sorry, okay?"

He complains and then Mrs. begins talking again, and everyone's silent bar the exceptions of Alfie and Marcus of course.

"So, you've probably been wondering what your project is for this term then, but we're going to do the 'music project' which in actual fact, in my opinion, is the most fun and intersting." Some people in the class actually move closer to the edge of the seat, this actually sounds good. "For this project, you will need to work with the people sitting next to you, and this is now possible to our new student, Danie-"

"Dan." I internally groan.

"Dan, sorry, so some of you might now know your partners that well and you'll have to talk about music and what song you're going to do to your project on. So, to make this easier and more exciting if you will, I have handed around paper so you can write your top three favourite singer, band or artist on, no peaking!" She is literally my favourite teacher already.

"Now you've done that, check each others!"

This was already really awkward. I hadn't thought about music before when it came to popularity so I just wrote my top three favourite band which are actually considered 'emo' bands.

The teacher also quickly adds: "Don't worry, this isn't one of those projects where you'll always have to go round one another's houses, you'll probably have to just see each other out of school once of twice but not for very long. An hour each time maximum because we won't have enough school time as this is a huge project." Fun.

This was the weirdest thing that could ever happen. We had the same. I was not expecting that at all. I mean, judging his appearance he does look quite emo, but to love the same bands as my self? This is weird. Having the same interests as someone you're supposed to hate? This is going to be very difficult. Muse, Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance. Normally everyone just disses them because they're considered to be 'emo', but 'hating' someone who doesn't?

"Wow, erm, good music taste!" I say, but he still doesn't seem impressed. I mean I can understand why, I was just about to punch him in the face.

"Yeah whatever, this just makes out project easier. What song then? I think we should do Muse considering that's both our favourite. And you better be grateful you're not with Alfie, he's literally the most unoriginal person ever, he'll probably copy us and get a better grade."

"Yeah whatever, anyway, what song do you think would be good and meaningful in Art which we could do an entire project on? I think-"

"'Undisclosed Desires'." We say in exact unison.

"Fine then, that was easy, 'Undisclosed Desires' it is then. Let's just get to work so I don't have to talk to you." He says rudely but understandable.


And with that, roll on six weeks of Hell.

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