Chapter Thirteen

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To be 100% honest, I have NO idea how long this is going to be, Kaitlyn just free wrote then I read it and free wrote so ....hope you enjoy it anyways and OH sadly Stay is coming to an end very quickly! It only has a few chapters to go :(



Harry's POV

My alarm rang throughout the flat for the fourth time this morning, and just like the first three times, I pressed the snooze button. I glanced over and saw that it was 10:37am, I didn't want to get up, I just wanted to go back to the day Louis first came to my flat. After another hour of moping, I leaned over and pulled Louis' grey beanie out from the bedside drawer and tugged it on lightly before getting up finally deciding I needed to do something, anything. Harry you cant let some guy turn you into a mushy mess. But that's just it, he isn't just 'some guy', he was Louis Tomlinson, also known as the one guy I would ever be willing to try and change myself for. I made a promise to my mum years ago that I would never change for anyone, but I was ready to break that promise if it meant Louis would consider me more of boyfriend material than just some kid.

I had made myself a bowl of cereal and was about to take my first bite when a little Irishman burst through my door. I chuckled to myself, he never knocks. "Hey Niall, want some breakfast?" I asked as I got up from the table and my own uneaten food.

"Sure mate thanks", with that he plopped himself down and began munching away on my cereal.

"Niall! I meant you come make your own food, not take mine!" I couldn't help but laugh, I loved him to death but I would never get to eat anything if we were roommates.

"Oh" he said looking like an innocent child while glancing back and forth between me and the food.

I smiled, "whatever you can have it", he gladly smiled back and began eating again.

"So", he said in between quick bites, "what happened with Louis?" I explained what happened, skipping the minor detail that I balled my eyes out like a freaking baby.

He simply shrugged, "so you're gonna give up trying to get him back?" I didn't answer. I wasn't sure what to do but I knew I wasn't going to be able to win Louis over with force so I realized he'd have to make the decision on his own. Niall interrupted my thoughts by slamming the cereal bowl into the sink and giving me a fast bro-hug. What? I like saying 'bro-hug' it sounds more manly.

"Well, I'm headed out, I have a date with Liam back at his place." I laughed and ran upstairs telling him to wait.

I came back and tossed a new bottle of lube to him winking. "HARRY! I-I didn't say we would be-."

I quickly interrupted my babbling friend, "yes but I figured you will so thank me later", I wiggled my eyebrows as he turned 30 shades of red before muttering not nice words and leaving my flat.

I wondered around the house for a few hours not really sure what to do. I was alone watching an episode of X-Factor when it dawned on me. I should call Alex! I scrolled through my phone for a good 30 minutes before finally seeing that he put his contact name in as 'best cell mate ever'. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at that, I dialed his number and it rang 6 times before he answered.

"Hey Alex."

"Harry? Hey man, what's up?"

"Yeah, not much but why do you sound so sleepy?"

"It's kinda early that's why."

"Um you do know it's after 10 right?"

"Fuck man why did you wake me up before noon!?"

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