VI - Better Judgement

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this chapter is dedicated to the ever-so-lovely @readytorunrejects !!
she really likes leaving amazing and hilarious comments and I really enjoy reading them so I guess you could say we just get each other :-)





I slam the blazing hot flat iron down on the bathroom counter and double over in pain, having just burned my ear for the fourth time in less than five minutes.

My fingers tenderly graze the sensitive skin as I let out a hiss of discomfort. Gingerly, I pull the half-straightened part of hair back and examine the damage in my mirror. The skin appears incredibly irritated, however not enough to keep me from straightening the rest of my hair.

Good thing I own plenty of burn ointment.

I'm about to continue with my hair, when I notice my phone screen light up out from the corner of my eye. Once again, I set the flat iron down and reach for the device, wondering who could possibly need me at eight in the morning.

From Evan:
Hey babe the squad is gonna hit up the club tonight. u in? :)

I let out a sigh, unsure of how I want to reply. I'm still pissed off at Evan, and to go out tonight with him and his friends would no-doubt give the impression that all is forgiven.

Looking up in the mirror, I meet my own brown eyes and shrug unsurely as if I am asking for advice from my reflection.

Do I really want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I'm willing to spend time with him so soon after his mishap the other night? Sunday hasn't even rolled around yet, and I still haven't given him a for-sure answer of whether or not I want to spend the day with him. Last thing I need is for him to assume that I've gotten over his fuck-up -- especially just three days after it happened; because I haven't.

To Evan:
I'll see what I have going on. I'm still not happy with you.

His response comes through in a matter of seconds.

From Evan:
Come on babe! I said I was sorry :( please don't be this way

To Evan:
Whatever. I'm busy most of today anyway. If I can come, I will. If I can't, I won't.

From Evan:
Well there will always be room for u :)
We'll be at the usual location if ur in :)))

I roll my eyes at his response and continue with my getting ready.

Twenty minutes and four more burns later, I'm done with my hair and am picking out an outfit to wear. After five minutes of serious contemplating, I settle on an old pair of black skinny jeans and a simple maroon sweater with my worn-out pair of solid black vans.

The day is a series of mundane errands I've been putting off for weeks. Grocery shopping for what I can afford, laundry, dropping off a forgotten sweatshirt a friend of Evan's left in my car, the typical.

Around six 'o clock, I find myself back at 'home' having finished everything I needed to accomplish. I crawl into bed, planning on calling it a night with some YouTube binging and fruit snacks in hand. But strangely enough, I can't bring myself to find entertainment in any of the dumb Buzzfeed videos or the random "ghost-hunting" episode snippets I usually am able to become so enthralled with.

It's just one of those nights where lying in bed with the internet isn't enough to keep me satisfied; which is incredibly rare for me.

Suddenly I remember the exchange between Evan and me earlier in the day, and I end up seriously contemplating whether or not it would pay to go out tonight.

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