The Barbeque

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Mum brought out the first round of finger food; sausage rolls at 2:15 when all the invited quests except Winter and her dad had arrived. The footy was about to start because the NRL had three Rugby League matches scheduled the first at 4pm, the second at 6pm and the last at 8pm the lounge room had been dedicated to it. The AFL's Aussie Rules match starting at 2:30 was set up in the sun room as well as outside under an awning to stop sun reflections and just in case we had a shower of rain.

Just before kick off the doorbell rang again and mum answered the door because dad was doing the last of his pre clean activities on the barbeque.

"Yes Officer; how can I help you" mum said a little a taken back at a police presence at the door.

"I'm here for the Barbeque ma'am and I'm hoping it's alright but I have also brought a friend and some rump steak" signalling to the man behind him holding what did appear to be meat.

"You better come in then" she said.

"Hello I'm Peter Allen" he said holding his arm out to my dad.

Dad being dad said "I don't remember ordering a song and dance man for the party."

Peter politely smiled back as if humoured by the lame comment having heard similar many times before simply saying "this is my friend Daniel but we call him Coups" and extended his hand to shake.

"Short for Couper sir" as the second man then shook dads hand and presented the meat.

Summer smacked the back of my head and I closed my jaw that had somehow fallen open as I hadn't really believed he would come. I moved over toward them saying "Glad you could come".

He stooped down to great me and planted a kiss on my check. I simply melted and he grabbed me holding me up saying are you alright.

I lied saying "sorry I tripped".

The electricity as he touched me was over whelming I turned red not pink. Ooh the embarrassment and in front of my father how was I going to explain this. Introductions were being completed by everyone when Winter and her dad arrived using the side gate. When Coups hand touched Winters her face definitely flushed. I said nothing.

During the match mum said "well that's a nice howdy do; why haven't you ever mentioned Peter?"

"Mum I only meet him the other day and I wasn't really sure he'd come"

"Well he is very easy on the eye Autumn and so well-mannered and it seems he likes you."

"I think it's my car he likes mum; let's wait and see it's only the first time we have really met.

"I don't think he has come to see your car dear. He even has a wingman to keep your friends at bay."

"Oh mum; really" I finish with and walk away but for the first time the realisation hits me she may be right and my heart does a double take.

During the next eight hours we have developed on those feelings. I've been invited and accepted a date to dinner tomorrow. My dad has given Peter the "your intentions" lecture and I have filled Peter in about Winter. Peter goes on to tell me Coups grew up as a Society of the Everlasting Providence but opted out when he was 16 we didn't hesitate to notionally add him to our team of interventionists.

Whilst Peter was surreptitiously hitting on me his wingman is working on keeping Winter at bay and appears to be enjoying the task. I not sure how good a friend Winter would be rated because she never came to see if I needed saving. I guess I can't complain because I didn't check to see if she need saving either. But she was smiling and carrying on I wouldn't call it flirtatious but it's the most animated I've ever seen her with a boy.

It was just before half time in the last of the NRL matches and I was taking a swig of my cola and I fleetingly looked over at Winter only to choke on my drink as I saw her and coups engaged in tonsil hockey. Well maybe we have a hope with sexual fantasies after all; time for another sleepover I thought.

Peter had left school in year ten avoiding senior high completely he graduated from the police academy second in his class and currently had the rank of first constable, acting senior constable and was hopeful of a promotion to senior constable soon having successfully completed some undercover work for the drug squad. Coups was a mate of his from school who was currently studying law at Melbourne University. They were both 19 and shared a two bedroom flat together. Clearly Drugs and Booze were not on Peter's agenda so the boys didn't do the uni' scene.

Mr Johnson hadn't noticed his daughters amorous behaviour but must have realised something was heating as his frequency of walking within her eye shot was increasing. The rugby match was a spine tingling encounter and it was amusing to see him panning for the screen as he did his walkabouts. Everyone except those making out had their eyes on the screen. Peter had been a proper gentleman opting for the hand hold. I'm not actually sure when that happened but I noticed during when the AFL game ended and I had got up to talk to the girls whilst the guys did their post analysis. Donna and Jasmin had disappeared so I quickly ran to my room noticing the door was closed; I quickly tapped on it saying "the AFL game had ended" they reappeared soon after no one having noticed they had disappeared.

Everyone was bonding well and by this I mean the boys were all getting on including the dads and the pairs were all intermingling as if they had all known each other since birth. This barbeque was a huge success. Winter stood as the moments silence was undertaken for the fallen shoulders before every match and we as planned talked it up without being obvious. The highlight for me was when we all sung the national anthem at the first NRL game and blow me down if Winter didn't actually sing. She had never ever sung that anthem at school.


Is Winter changing or ....
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