"I don't think we should be this far ahead." A man as short as a stump moved from left to right scarcely. "Will you shut up, you've been complaining for hours now, I heard you I just don't care. "Their leader wore pure gold throughout his whole body, proudly showing his gigantic ego, his cards nodded in agreement. "Yes Monken, sir Doyle ran this way." Monkon nodded, he took the plumper guard with his fists. "

Next time you question me, boy, I'm pushing you off the wall. The two worlds were divided by a steep tunnel, that if pushed would exist. No one knew what lay under the walls, but they were sure for their sake they'd stay under, at least for now. "But Monken we shouldn't, this place is where the old folk used to....."

"A million years ago maybe but they don't exist anymore, not the nine children, not the old folk, not even the demons exist anymore. Your spending too much time in the north boy, your sounding like a northerner with their stupid superstitions." The little boy shivered hugging onto his coat, the gold cloaks did nothing here, he'd rather have one of the fur coats.

His sister had grown up in the north, she'd tell him all the wonderful things she'd seen. She'd be able to fight before her first words ever came. He'd admired this, they were the free folk, they were also the strong folk, after all, who other than a northerner could survive in a weather like this and it wasn't even winter yet. But he could never live here, he'd be too scared, the south was calm, the south was easy.

"After you boy." Monken pushed him towards the borders where some angry looking northerners stood. "Well, what you waiting for the boy." One of them snickered. "A fat one like yourself, them devils will eat you whole." He shivered at this, he swallowed his fear and took a step forward. "Too slow."

They pushed him down, he rolled down like a barrel on wheels. He couldn't see anything but snow and ice, his face took hits from shards of it, cutting most of the flesh off. He had finally stopped at the bottom, tears welled his eyes as he choked on his blood. He could almost hear them laughing but when he looked they were nowhere to be found. He was frightened, his teeth clenched, he wanted to scream but the cold had stiffened his mouth shut. The air surrounding him had only seemed to get colder, but now all he could smell was blood, and all he could see was black, pitch black. Gravity had taken a hold of his body sticking him to the ground.

He didn't ask for much just a place in the royal courtyard. Still, he'd asked a cost and he'd pay it. This was Satans territory, a place for demons. His body crumpled down and his blood soaked into the walls, a pure gold blooded being. That's all it took just a few more, with that HELL HAD TRULY ARRIVED.

 That's all it took just a few more, with that HELL HAD TRULY ARRIVED

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