Chapter Eighteen

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 ~*~* Amber's  POV *~*~

I was currently tied to a chair in a stinky hotel room. The same exact hotel room in which she had Louis captured before. The only good side to this is that she doesn't know anywhere in London so Louis must have thought of this place by now. Hopefully.

"I got you food" Lauren sneered throwing a small bag of chips at me.

"How am I supposed to eat it if i'm tied up?" I scowled, I was already pissed at her, now I can't even enjoy my precious food because she has me tied up.

"Well, I guess that just means more for me" Lauren sneered, snatching back the bag of chips and opening it. Popping the salty treat into her mouth, teasing me with every chip.

"We used to be friends, Lauren, why are you doing this?" I questioned a few minutes after she finished the small bag of chips.

"I'm doing this because you have Louis. You knew I liked him yet you find out your brother is Zayn then you come whoring it up over here, not in my house." Lauren said coldly, crumpling up the now empty bag and throwing it across the room. "Now if you don't mind, which you won't, we will begin to write your suicide note"

"I'm not killing myself, and I'm not letting you kill me!" I shouted, pulling at the rope securing my wrists.

"Sweetie, why would I ruin my manicure to kill you? I'm just plotting a fake death note because Louis would be devestated then have me to comfrot him" Lauren said, coming over with a knife, starting to cut the rope. 

"Louis will be devestated, but never enough to let you come near him" I seethed. Just follow along Amber, when the time is right get back at her.

The next thing I registered was the sting of her palm on my cheek.  "Never speak like that to me again, okay? Or this knife won't just be cutting ropes"

I nodded and a few minutes later she had me sat in front of the little desk in the corner. 

"Here, I already wrote the note, just copy it down in your own writing" Lauren said, throwing a piece of paper at me.

Five minutes of copying later this is what the note read :

Dearest Louis,

I'm so sorry to be doing this but I must. I just can't stand to live like this anymore, being with you was great but I just can't do this. Loving you came with a price and I guess now i'm paying for it. I love you. Don't look for me, to cry over me. When you find me it'll be too late

Love, Amber 

I honestly was near tears myself, I didn't want him to read this and have an even worse reaction about it. Although I hoped Louis would know I'd never take my own life over such a silly reason.

"Let's go" Lauren said yanking me up by my hair. It's now or never.

I quickly spun around and kicked Lauren in the gut, she fell down and rolled in on herself.

"You bitch!" She screamed, recovering then pushing into the back of my knees, tripping me. I smacked her arms and legs and anything I could hit. She hit back just as ferociously, once even biting my calf. A moment later we broke apart panting, then an evil smile spread across her once innocent face. "Payback time"

As quick as lightning she reached her arm out to the side, grabbing the knife and plunging it into my stomach.

"Now let's go, you need to stay alive for the best part"

~*~* Louis POV *~*~

After telling the other's my idea as to where Lauren was keeping Amber we were headed to that disgusting hotel I was held captive in less than 72 hours ago.

Being Zayn's Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें