Vikkstar123 #2 - Serenade

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Your P.O.V.

The guys had gone out to film some videos, leaving you in the house on your own. They did offer to take you, but you had some things that needed to be done, so you opted out of it. Surprisingly, it didn't take as long as you'd predicted to finish everything. You decided to make yourself some food and watch TV whilst waiting for the boys to come home. When you'd finished, it was getting pretty late, and they still hadn't come home. You decided to message your boyfriend, Vikk. 

You: Hey babe, are you still filming? xxx
Vikk: No, we decided to stop at Nando's on the way back. Do you me to bring you back something? xxx
You: No that's alright, I've already eaten. xxx
Vikk: Okay. We won't be much longer, I promise :) xxx
You: That's alright, you take it easy. Love you <3 xxx
Vikk: Love you too <3 xxx

You put your phone in your pocket and went upstairs, feeling rather tired. It was way to early to go to bed yet, and besides, you wanted to wait for Vikk to come home. You went into your shared room, and looked around. You'd cleaned it earlier, so that wasn't an option. You spotted the keyboard in the corner of the room, leaning against the wall. You hadn't practised piano in a while, and honestly, you missed it. You and Vikk had played together, once when you'd just started dating, the other for a video. Since then, it had been neglected. You didn't want to bring it up because you didn't want to bother him, but it just now hit you how dreadfully you missed it.
     You set it up on it's stand and plugged in the charger. You played little random tunes, and some songs from your childhood. You got lost in the music, losing track of the time. You started to play "Sfumature D'Arancio" by Mattia Cupelli, and you were so transfixed, that you didn't notice everyone arrive home.

Vikk's P.O.V.

I opened the door, and held it open for the others. I heard the faint sound of piano music, but I couldn't recognize the tune. I initially thought that (Y/N) was just playing music from their Ipod or something, but when I heard the music suddenly stop and restart, I realised that it must be (Y/N) playing the keyboard. I took off my coat, hung it up, and went upstairs. The door to our room was open slightly, so, as gently as I could, I pushed it open. Suddenly, all of these emotions and memories came flooding back to me. I remembered the first time I played for them, and I kept fucking it up because I was so nervous. I remembered the first time we played together, our hands kept touching and we couldn't stop giggling. I remembered when we filmed us playing together for a video. Poor thing was so afraid.
     I leaned against the door frame and watched (Y/N) play, noticing all of the cute little mannerisms that would only appear when they were truly focused and relaxed. How they were so fixated, that they would zone out, and not hear, or even see a single thing other than the music; how they would straighten their back, not because they wanted better posture, but because they were so comfortable and confident; how the corners of their mouth would rise at certain parts of the song. 
     "Hello, my little Mozart." (Y/N) shot around, completely unaware that I had been there.
     "How long have you been there?"
     "Quite a while, actually." I walked over to the keyboard and sat down next to (Y/N). 
     "I've missed this." I said, more to myself then to them. "And I know you have too. I think we should keep the keyboard set up. What do you say?"
     "I'd love that. And you're right, I've missed our music around the house." (Y/N) snaked their arms around my waist and rested their head against my shoulder. I kissed their forehead.
     "Me too." After sitting their for a while, I decided to start playing myself, to see if I still could. To my surprise, I played pretty well. I played "Tifa's Theme" from Final Fantasy 7, one of (Y/N)'s favourites.

Your P.O.V.

One of the things you loved most about Vikk was how gentle he was. From movement to touch, he really was a gentle soul. This shined through when he was playing piano. His long, dark fingers flew over the keys like silk in the breeze. Watching him play hypnotised you, and soon you felt the tiredness that you had previously felt return to you, but this time, you couldn't avoid falling into a beautiful and peaceful sleep.

A/N: Sorry it's short, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. 
If you enjoy piano music, then I seriously recommend you check out Mattia Cupelli on YouTube. Some incredibly relaxing and beautiful compositions. 

Remember that I take requests, and please do send some. 

Thanks for reading, and bye, YA CREEPS!! ;3 x

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