Vikkstar123 #1 - The First Meeting (Part 1)

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A/N: This is dedicated to my bae, and recent member of the Sidemen fandom, EMILY!! ~ Cumbersome-robes. I will be using myself in this, just fiy. :3
I should also mention that I've never been to Insomnia, and don't really know much about it. So if I get some stuff wrong, sorry m8!

Emily's P.O.V

I was rudely awoken by a heavy weight that suddenly fell on top of me. Opening my eyes, I saw the sleepless, green eyes of Sara staring back at me. 
"Oi fam! Get up! Time to get ready!" 
"Sara, have you slept at all?" I asked as I sat up in her bed, rubbing my eyes. She always let me sleep on her bed, and vice versa when she was at my house. Always polite, even for the bestie!
"Lol nah! How can I sleep when we're going to INSOMNIA?!" She was scampering around her room, trying to find a missing sock, which wasn't actually missing because it was poking out from under the mattress on the floor. 
"Under the mattress, and you also drowned yourself in Monster last night, just saying."
"Tru, tru." 
I got up and went to my suitcase, picking out a black skirt and a Sherlock T-shirt. I didn't have any Sidemen merch, and I felt kind of guilty about it, but to be fair I'd only recently discovered the Sidemen, but I'm still a fangirl, don't get me wrong. 
As I sat down on the edge of the bed, putting on my socks, I watched her run around the room, muttering to herself. Her eyes were wild, speeding from one thing to another, never settling. It was a rare occasion to see her this excited. But to be fair she had a right to be. Not only was she in love with the Sidemen, but she loved games! You couldn't really count her as a gamer girl, because she couldn't actually play, due to her parents being assholes. (Don't ask!) But we'd both loved the idea of being game character designers. I'm more the Assassin's Creed type, while she's into the fantasy. So not only was this a chance for her to be able to meet the Sidemen, but also to actually be able to play the games that she so desperately wanted to own. 

Gathering the rest of our belongings, we packed our luggage into my car. I got into the drivers seat and plugged in my phone, clicking on the playlist I'd already prepared for the journey. First we listened to some idiots singing Horrible Histories, then we listened to the soothing voices of the trio that is Il Volo, and finally we ended the journey with some good old My Chemical Romance. (We have a weird taste in music, like, seriously, weird.) We couldn't help but cry listening to "Welcome To The Black Parade" by MCR.
"WHY DID I WEAR MASCARA TODAY, FOR FUCK SAKE?!" Sara exclaimed, frantically rubbing the tears from her now stained cheeks.
I chuckled, simultaneously wiping away my own tears. Luckily, I forgot my mascara so I couldn't wear any, and it's a bloody good thing I did!

When we arrived in Birmingham, we turned off the music to concentrate on being able to find the hotel. Luck was on our side, and we managed to get to the hotel fairly easily. After parking, we took our luggage out, and dragged it up to our room. Dropping our bags on the floor, we both flopped onto the bed, exhausted from a long drive, and also from non stop singing! Sara turned to look at me apologetically.
"I'm sorry that you had to drive for so long. I know I'm a crappy friend, I just really don't want to learn to drive yet."
"Yeah, you should be sorry damn it! It's alright though, since you did pay for our Costa!" We'd gotten breakfast on the way.
"Meh, alright." 

After unpacking, we spent the rest of the day exploring Birmingham, and making sure we knew how to get to the festival. But our adventuring was cut short by a sudden burst of rain that decided to bless us with it's presence. We must have brought the Welsh weather with us on our journey. We decided to go back to the hotel and just chill. We had an early night, deciding that we needed the extra sleep, since we were getting up early in the morning. 

Thankfully, I was not rudely awoken today. I looked over to the bed next to me expecting to see Sara, but all I saw was an empty, made bed. I rolled over and saw Sara staring out of the window, watching the sun end it's rise. 
She turned around, startled. She obviously hadn't heard me wake.
"Morning." She replied. Another sleepless night for her it seems. She often did this, went for days without sleep and then spent the next few days moping around, never awake. "Do you want some tea?"
"Sure, thanks." I got up and trudged into the bathroom, doing what had to be done, and then examining myself in the mirror. I washed my face and brushed my teeth, instantly regretting it as I remembered I had a cup of tea on the way. 

Once we'd finished getting dressed and had our breakfast, we headed down to the venue. Sara was practically dragging me along, her arm linked with mine. After heading around some of the games, and waiting on the side lines as Sara played, we went to grab some food, keeping an eye on the time, making sure that we had enough time to get to the Sidemen booth. 

After our food, we headed to the booth. The queue was shorter than we expected, but still pretty long. We waited and chatted, slowly creeping closer to them. At one point we'd stopped talking, and I decided to look to the front to see how far we had left. As I did, I made contact with, the angel himself, Vikkram Barn. You see, out of all of the Sidemen, he was my favourite. I had a slight *cough* huge *cough* crush on him. He smiled his cute smile, and I returned with one of my own. I could feel my cheeks getting redder, and put my hands to my face to cover them. I turned to Sara to fangirl over what had just happened, but I sighed as I saw her staring at the ground, biting her fingers furiously, her brows furrowed. Sara had never been the best when it came to meeting people that meant a lot to her. She's a socially awkward cretin!  (Em would never say that, but just go with it. Em can be a social cretin herself sometimes ;)

A/N: Sorry this is going to be long, but I like to keep it as detailed as I can without going OTT. Even though it probably is still OTT! 

Part 2 will be coming soon, LOVE YOU EM! 

Please remember, I'm always open to requests.

Thanks for reading, and bye, YA CREEPS! ;3 X

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