Chapter 11: Masquarade

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It was night time already, and I had to get ready for the dance.

I put on my dress and curl my hair, then I put on my makeup and my mask.

"Ready Nic?" Mia asks me. "Ready." I say and we leave.

We head to the Lockwood mansion and get out.

We walk into the party and its very bring like other parties.

"Nic, you know what this reminds me of?" Mis asks. "No." I reply. "The ball that your father hosted in 1789." She replies. "Oh yeah. That ball." I reply.


I was sitting in my chair. I was very bored. I invited Oliver to come, but he never made it. "Nicolette, come on, get up and have fun!" Alexa says. "He hasn't come." I say. "He probably forgot nicks, but don't worry, you can still have fun." She says. "But the only reason I came to this stupid party was because my father made me, and then I invited Oliver, but he's not here." I say.

She sighs and walks over to me. "Just go have fun Lexa, I'll be fine." I say. She walks back and starts dancing with some guy.

I get up and go get a drink. Then I feel someone behind me. They kiss my neck and I turn around. "Your here!" I say and smile. "Sorry I was late, I couldn't figure out what to wear." He says and smirks.

"I'm just glad your here." I say and kiss him. "May I have this dance miss Mikaelson?" He asks as he bows and holds his hand out. "Of course you may." I say and we go over to the dance floor.

We start dancing. "I love being with you Oliver. You make me feel something I've never felt before. Or at least not in a long while." I say. "I love you Nicolette. I don't know why everyone doesn't like you." He says.

"Because of my father Oliver. They don't even want to know me be aside they know my father. Klaus Mikaelson." I say and sigh. I look over to the stairs where he was standing. My family was going over there so I had to go too.

"I'll be right back Oliver." I say and I rush over to where my father was standing.
~~End Flashback~~

"I miss him." I say. "I know you do... I do too. But there's nothing we can do about it." She says. "Yes there is..." I say. "I need to go to New Orleans." I say. "To do what?" She asks. "To get Oliver back. I know what I need... I just need to get it... I have pretty much everything I need at the house." I say. "I'm going to go get it." I say. "I'm going to get him back." I say and I run off to go get the things. Then I hear people screaming and stuff.

It sounds like Elena. Is she dying?! If so... Who do I thank? I go over to where the noise is coming from. She's bleeding. I hear Katherine and the Salvatore's upstairs.

It seems like Elena is bounded to Katherine. I smile. If I kill Katherine then Elena will die too! I see it as a 2 for 1. I love it. I head back to the party and go upstairs. "So... If you aren't gonna stab the bitch... I will." I say with a smile on my face. "Katerina." I say. "Nicolette." She says. I smirk. "It's Nicole, Katherine." I say.

I walk into the room. I grab the steak from Damon's grip and I stab Katherine's arm. I rip more furniture and stab her in her leg, and shoulder. "Stop! It's hurting Elena!" Stefan screams. "Well boohoo for her." I say.

I am about to stake her again when Damon grabs my arm. "Damiano get your hands off of me. Now!" I yell. He kept trying to fight me. I sigh. "I warned you once already Damiano... But I guess you don't care." I say. I tune the stake around and stake him the the stomach. I push it deep. I stick my hand into Katerina's chest gripping her heart. I can hear Elena's screams from here. I smile.

I am about to rip her heart out when I hear a voice. "Nicks! Stop." Alexa says. "Alexa! I'm happy to see you!" I say. "Let go of her." Alexa says walking closer to me. "Do I need to fight you?" She asks. "Go ahead and try." I say.

She comes towards me and we start to fight, I take my hand out of Katherine's chest letting go of her heart. "There." I say and roll my eyes. "You are all arses." I say. I walk back over to the door.

I try to walk out but it's blocked. "You can't get out once you come in." Stefano said. "Oh Stefano, you might not be able to, but I am." I say and smirk at him. I mentally say the words and I walk out. "Au Revior!" I say with a smirk.

I walk out of the building again. I walk towards the car when I feel someone behind me. They grab me. I turn around and see a man. "Get your hands off of me." I say. "I was sent by Trevor." He says.

"Trevor?" I ask. "Why does Trevor want me?" I ask. "He wants the doppelgänger." The man said. I see Elena coming. "Elena Gilbert....the doppelgänger." I say with a smirk. The man takes her away and I follow him. I sit in the car and he drives us someplace.

He stop o a grassy field next to a car. I get out and walk over to the car. I sit in the passenger seat. "Ahhh! What the hell?!" He asks. "It's good to see you too Trevor." I say with a smile. "Nicolette!" He says and he hugs me. "I've missed you." "I've missed you too Trevor." I say.

We head out to a house.... Who know where it is... Cause I don't pay much attention.

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