Chapter 7: Mystic Falls

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I'm back in Mystic Falls. I haven't been here in... What? 100 years?

Last time I was here was in 1864. That's where I met Stefan and Damon. And where I saw that bitch again.

"Do we really have to stop here?" I ask Alexa. "Yes... We do because we have no where else to go." She tells me. I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I say.

We take a carriage to the Salvatore house. The Salvatore's are a wealthy family.

We get to the front of the house. I get out and walk over to where the Salvatore's are. "Miss Mikeals. It's a pleasure to meet you." "Same Mr Salvatore. And who are these handsome men?" I ask him.

"They are my sons" he says. "This is Damon and Stefan." "Are they the English version of Stefano and Damiano?" I ask him. "Yes indeed they are. Have you been to Italy?" "Yes. I picked up some Italian. It's a very... Interesting language." I tell him. "Indeed it is" he replies. "Damon, Stefan please take these lovely young ladies upstairs. Seems we have more company than expected." He says to them.

"What do you mean Mr Salvatore?" I ask. "There is another young girl who lives here. She is from Georgia. Her family died in a fire in Atlanta." "Oh okay." "I hope that won't be a problem" "No, it won't." I say and then I grab Lexa's arm and pull her up the stairs.

"Lead the way" I tell Damon and Stefan and they show me and Alexa our room.

"This is where you will be staying." "Thank you Stefano. Thank you as well Damiano." "Our pleasure." Stefan and Damon reply.

They start to walk over to the door.

"Wait!" I say and they turn to look at me. "Which one of you is willing to do me a favor?" I ask with a smile. They look at each other and then Stefan walks up to me. "Of course." He said.

Alexa looks at me. "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt him. I need him to help me get something." I tell her and then I look back at Stefan. "Let's go outside then I can explain what it is that I need." I tell him. We walk outside and I start.

"Stefano. I have a very special interest in art. Do you think you could get me some drawing supplies?" I ask. "Also, when you are done... I need another favor which no one can know about." I tell him compelling him. "Of course miss Mikaels." He says. "Oh please, call Me Nicole." I say and then I walk back inside.

I have been sitting down in my room for the past hour and I am so bored! I need to go out and see what there is to explore around here.

"Where are you going Nicks?" Alexa asks. "I need to go out. I can't be stuck here forever." I tell her and then I walk out.

When I walk out of the house, someone bumps into me. "I'm so sorry!" She says. I look at the girl. She looks young. Maybe 15. She has brown hair with a bonnet on her head. "It's okay." I say and then I start to walk away. "Have we met before?" She asks me. I look at her. "I don't think so." I reply. I start to walk away again. She runs up to me and "I'm Annabelle by the way. But you can call me Anna." "I'm Nicole. Pleasure to meet me, I know" I say with a smirk.

"See you around?" She asks "Maybe" I reply and then I leave and wonder into town.

"Miss Nicole" I hear. I turn around and I see a woman standing there. "I'm Emily. Emily Bennett. It's so nice to finally meet you." She says as she walks towards me. "Thank you. And how exactly do you know about me?" "Word spreads fast in a mall town like this." She replies.

"You do know that vampires aren't allowed here by the council right?" "Witch." I say. "Pardon me?" She says. "You're a witch." I tell her.

"How did you-" she started to say but I cut her off. "I just know." I say.

"I must be going now, and yes, I know I'm not allowed here, but I just love getting into trouble." I say and smirk. "Good bye now" I say and leave.

I walk back to the Salvatore house and I see her. That bitch.

I can tell that she saw me because she turns around. I smirk and walk towards her. "Well well If it isn't Katerina Petrova." I say. "Nicolette. What are you doing here?" "Okay first I do what wee I want. And second" I say and then I slap her.. What? She deserved it.

"Ouch!" She said. "That was for messing with my life." I say and then I start walking up the stairs to open the door. "Wait. Your staying here?" "Yes." I say and smirk again.

"I know I'm beautiful but you don't have to keep staring at me like that. And close your mouth. It isn't appropriate for a lady to have her mouth open." I tell her then I walk inside.

"Miss Mikaels! I left your things in your bed." "Thank you Stefano. Now can you walk with me upstairs. I need you to do one more thing for me." I tell him and walk up to my room.

I open the door and walk in. Alexa wasn't here at the moment which was good. "Come in Stefano. I won't bite....that much" I say and he looks at me scared. "Stefano. Come in." I say compelling him. "And close the door." He does as I say.

I walk over to him. "Come Stefano. Sit on the bed." I tell him. I sit next to him and grab his wrist. "Don't scream. It will only hurt a bit." I say.

I put his wrist to my mouth and I feel my fangs come out and the burns under my eyes come out as well. I start to drink from Stefan. I don't drink that much, just enough to keep me from going on a killing spree.

"Very good Stefano. Now, drink." I tell him as I bite my wrist and feed him my blood to heal the bite marks on him. He drinks until I tell him to stop.

"Stefano. I'm going to need you to start hanging around with the other girl that stays here." I tell him. "Do you understand ?" I ask him. "I understand" he replies. "Good. Now you just came in here to give me my supplies then you left." I say and he repeats what I said.

"You can leave now Stefano." I say and he leaves.


I have been observing everybody. I have actually been here for a while. I saw Caroline as a human and I saw her get turned and become a vampire. I helped her out when she first turned, but I compelled her to forget me.

Now, I'm going to make my presence known. I am currently with my best friend, Amelia. She is a vampire like me. I met her in the late 1700's and the early 1800's. I even dated her brother. I loved him. Hell, I still do even if he's gone now.

Anyways. We are in Mystic Falls. I am so ready to see Stefano and Damiano again. Is been years, 100 years, since I last saw either one of them.

I am driving my car towards the school here. Yes, I said school. I know it's torture, but we need to look normal.

I turn up the radio. I start singing along with it.

'I take your bad days with you good. Walk through the storm I would. I'd do it all because I love you. I love you. Unconditional. Unconditionally. There is no fear now let go and just be free. I will love you unconditionally. So open up your heart and just let it begin. Open up your heart and just let it begin. Open up your heart and just let it begin. Open up your heart!'

I sing along to a lot of songs. Some I don't even know. But Mia is okay with it because she does it too.

"Isn't that the school?" She asks pointing to it. "Yeah. This is going to be torture isn't it?" I ask. "Probably." She says "But oh well." She says. I drive into the parking lot.

I park the car and get out.

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