Chapter 1: July 19, 1000 (pt.1)

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"Nicolette!" My father said as he walked into my granny's house. I was playing with some of the wooden toys my daddy got me. I looked over to him and a huge smile came across my face. "Daddy!" I said and ran over to him. He picked me up and hugged me. "Where's your granny?" He asks me. I point into her room. He puts me down and says ,"I will be right back. okay?" I nodded and continued playing with my toys.

I heard him and my granny talking. "I'm getting older, Niklaus. I can't take care of her anymore. I would love to keep doing so, but I can't. My time is close." "I understand. I will gather her things up and take her to my home." "Thank you Niklaus. For not leaving her alone." "Well, she is my daughter after all." He says before he walks out to where I am.

"Come on Nicolette" he says to me. "We are going to get your things packed, so I can take you to my house." He says as he grabs a bag that granny used to get food and he goes to my stuff. He puts my clothes and shoes in there, and my toys.

"Nicolette, would you like to say goodbye to your granny before we leave?" He asks me. "Yes daddy" I say and then I go over to her room. I walk over to her bed and she takes my hand. "Nicolette, I love you. Always remember that. I wish you could still stay here, but I'm getting older and now it's time for you to go with your daddy." she says and then she reaches over and grabs a necklace. "I want you to have this. Its something to remember me by. Bye Nicolette" She says as she puts the necklace on me and pulls me into a hug. "Bye Granny" I say and then I walk over to my daddy.

He picks me up, and we walk out the door. I admire the necklace granny gave me. "We're here Nicolette." My daddy says as he opens the door.

"Niklaus there you are. I was looking all over for you." says a girl. She was really pretty. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, like me. "Nik, why do you have a little girl?" "Rebekah, I would like you to meet Nicolette. Nicolette, this is Rebekah." "Hello Rebekah" I say and she smiles. "Hi Nicolette" Then she looks at my daddy again. "Again, why do you have a little girl?" "She's my daughter Rebekah." "But Nik she's like 5. How is she your daughter that we never knew about?" "She was born 5 years ago. I was 17." "But Nik... where has she been all these years?" "With her grandmother." "What about her mother? Who was her mother?" "Her mother died and Her mother was Emily." "The werewolf?" "Yes." "So she's one of them?" "Yes Rebekah, but no one else can know." "Ok Nik."

He put me down and I started to walk around the house. "Nicolette" I turn around and I see 3 boys. "These are some of your uncles. This is Elijah." he says pointing at a man with dark brown hair. "Nice to meet you Nicolette" he says. "Hi" I say. "That is Kol" he says pointing at another man next to Elijah. He also has dark brown hair. "Nicolette? You named her after yourself didn't you Nik? Any way Hi little kid." He says. I laugh at the look my daddy gives him. "hi" I say back. And this is Henrik. He says as he points to a younger boy. "Hi Nicolette. Welcome to the Mikaelson Family." he says. "Hi, thank you." I say and then I walk over to my daddy.

"It's ok Nicolette. They won't harm you." He says looking down at me. I look at my new family and smile. 'I'm going to love them.' I think to myself.

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