“Shit,” Seth whispered beside me. Instead of fright, like me, I saw pain and sympathy in his eyes. What was happening? “Get the kids out of here Hayley.”

“Why? What’s happening?” I said as Seth moved forward towards the group. The boy had collapsed to the ground and more screams were sounded. I could hear some shouts coming from the corridors. I looked over my shoulder and saw some of the werewolves behind me.

“What happened?” a guy asked pushing past all the other to get to the front.

“Mike is going through the change, I need everyone out!” his Alpha position leaking into his words. People flinched at the noise immediately backing away.

“Hey kids, do you know what? I think all these people want to play a game of chasey. Do you know what that means?” I said trying to sound cheerful.

“Yeah!” they all said in unison.

“Well go get them before they all run away!” I yelled pointing towards the clueless werewolves. When the kids started charging for them I think they understood. They were already out the door and I could hear them screaming as they tried to avoid the clinging hands.

“Seth what is happening?” I said walking towards the boy.

The boy was screaming again, his t shirt soaked and his limbs moving around mindlessly. I could see the boys fingers clicking but then I realised they were actually breaking when I saw one moved in the opposite direction it should.

“He is changing into a werewolf, Hayley. You need to get out. I don’t like seeing this so I don’t want you to.”

“Well to bad because I am staying.” I said forcefully.

I then noticed another boy standing at the edge of the room, staring blankly at the rolling body on the floor. He looked very familiar and I realised that the two boys must have been siblings. He looked a couple of years younger but still ahd the same black hair and brown eyes as the other boy. I felt really sorry for him.

“Go boy you don’t want to see this before your time.” Seth ordered.

The boy didn’t seem to hear. He just stared at the floor, his hands slowly shaking at his sides. I walked up to him and placed an arm on his shoulder. He jumped  not seeing or even hearing us. “Are you the brother?” he nodded his head pain finally filling his gentle face. “I know you don’t want to leave him but you need to. What you have already seen is enough, please leave the alpha to his work. I am sure your brother will be better in no time.” I didn’t even sound convinced.

I pushed the boy in the direction of the door. He bounded towards it not even looking back but I could hear his cries echoing down the hall.

“Now tell me what is happening?” I knelt down next to the boy scared to touch him. I wanted to comfort him, to take away all this pain but I didn’t know how. If all his bones were breaking from him harmlessly standing what would happen if you touched him?

“Mike is changing into a werewolf. Usually the change happens when you turn 14 years but I guess it came early.” Seth said looking down at the boy sadly.

“How old is he?” I asked, barely heard over the boys screams.


I sighed. Poor boy. “What should I do?”

“You really should go!”

“WELL I AM NOT OK! I am not going to leave you or Mike even if the world depended on it. This boy is in pain and I plan on stopping it so would you please stop being god damn alpha for once and listen to me!” wow! I never thought I would say that.

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