"Are you okay?" He whispers.

"Yeah, but why would they put me in here, when that's why I had that seizure?"

"I don't know, but the moon's coming up."

"Yeah, I feel it too."

A long period of silence broke through the cramped cell.

"Do you think we'll turn?" Isaac breaks the silence.

"I don't know."

A blinding pain rushes through my head. I gasp from the pain and fall off the bench onto my hands and knees. Isaac grunts and doubles over. I scream out in pain, except it isn't all a scream, it was like a growl mixed with a scream. Claws extend from my nails, my teeth sharpen to a point. I climb to my feet and pull at the door. Isaac walks over and rips it off. He walks out and I climb into the ceiling.

Isaac slams something's head into a wall and goes to attack another kid, buzzcut. Derek steps in front of Isaac and howls. Isaac cowers away against the wall and shifts back. I cock my head to the side a little.

"How'd you do that?" Buzzcut asks.

"I'm the alpha." Derek says with a smirk.

Some thing clicks, he rushes into the cell probably looking for me. He steps back out and looks at Isaac.

"Where's TJ!?!"

"I don't know." Isaac whispers.

"How can you not know!?! You too were in a cell together! Where the hell is TJ!?!"

I jump down into the hallway, an officer comes at me. I throw him into the room and creep in by him. I sling my hand across his chest, leaving claw marks behind. Derek looks at me and changes his eyes to red. I crawl backwards until I hit the wall. I feel everything go back to normal. I bury my head in my knees.

"TJ." Derek says.

I jump to my feet and stumble away. I hold my hands up and look at them. Blood. All I see is blood. I stumble back again. My eyes roll into the back of my head and I hit the floor. My body starts convulsing, something wet falls from my nose.

"Derek, what the hell is happening to her!?!"

"I don't know, I've never seen anything like it before."

"Can you at least do something!?!"

I feel a blinding pain in my arm causing me to scream. The pain slowly fades as my body is lifted and carried away.
My head throbs as my eyes flutter open. I slowly look around and try to sit up but the blinding pain in my arms returns, I gasp in pain and slide back down.

"Be careful, you're not healing as fast as should be." Derek says.

"What happened?" I ask groggily.

"Your body thought that it would make a last minute decision and reject the bite after you turned. That pain in your arm, that's from where I had to get the venom out of your system."

"Am I- am I still a-"

"Yeah, just healing. You can't go to school because you and Isaac are now fugitives. I'll be back as soon as I can though. I'm gonna take Erica to school then bring her back, her and Isaac are gonna train and you and I are gonna go talk to Vernon Boyd."

"Erica- the girl who has seizures?"


"Why Boyd though, he's so strong, I mean he has some issues going on in his family, but he's big. Have you seen that kid? Looks like he's on steroids or something."

"Get some sleep. Okay?" Warm lips press against my forehead before I fall asleep.

Derek Hale just kissed my forehead... did I even wake up? Derek Hale is not one that shows emotion, granted he's always acting different around me. Does he just feel bad for me? Is it because I'm his first beta? Could he think that I need this? I mean he clearly knew that I would except the bite, but there's something with how he acts around me.

Sleep soon takes over my body, my head on a soft pillow and a blanket tucked under my chin.

Stars fill the sky and sparkle down onto the open waters like diamonds. The gentle autumn breeze making the trees sway. My hair lightly flowing in the wind, the only thing telling me this is all real is the fact that I'm alone. I've always been alone, the human embodiment of the omega. The grass in sync with the trees, the moon big and bright shining down on the earth for what seems like the first time.


Only if the world were on my side. It's almost as if they want me to join them in the sky. I slowly peel off my sweater and leave it laying on the ground. I take my shoes off and step closer to the lake.


I turn my back to the water and fall back. The water creates a casing over my body, my lungs filling, my head about to explode. The world fading.


I shoot up from the couch gasping and coughing.

"Hey, easy! TJ, calm down! It was just a dream. Just a dream." Derek says.

I fling my arms around his neck and hang my head at his chest. Strong, firm arms wrap around my small torso and pull me close.

"It was just a dream TJ. You're okay."

"It- It felt so real." I sob.

"It's okay, it was just a dream."

I inhale taking in his scent. It's so calming, like my own personal heroin. My arms slowly slide down to his chest, my index finger and thumb taking a piece of his shirt in between them and slowly twisting it. Derek pulls me onto his lap and runs a hand through my slightly tangled hair. My left arm snakes back around his neck, my right still at his chest. I slowly look up, our eyes meeting, my eyes flicking to his lips and back to his eyes. We move closer, our faces only inches apart, I close my eyes as our lips meet. His fingers trail up my back, my other arm sliding to meet the other at his neck. Our lips press against each other again.

Footsteps approaching cause us to stop. Derek helps me off his lap and rest his hand beside me.

"I thought you were gonna go talk to Boyd." Isaac says.

"We are, I was seeing if TJ had healed enough yet." Derek states.

"Is she?"


"Are you sure you want to take her?"

"I'm fine." I state, my hand unwittingly sliding toward Derek's.

"You two have fun then."

Isaac walks out of the room and I move closer to the alpha, our hands almost touching. Derek pushes his fingers through mine and slightly smiles. I look down trying to hide my blush.

"Ready?" Derek asks.

"Yeah." I reply slowly climbing to my feet.
The plan is to meet Boyd at the Ice rink, where he is almost all of the time. Derek and I are going to talk to him and try to get him to except. If he does then we'll have a pack, but we still need Scott. Vernon shouldn't be to hard to convince, I don't know how he'll handle the hunters though.

"I want it." Boyd says.

"One more thing you should know." Derek starts.

"What?" Boyd crosses his arms.

"It's gonna hurt, like a bitch." I finish.

"I don't care."

Derek glances at me and I nod. I turn and start to walk away. Boyd's scream echoes through the air making me flinch. I walk out to the car and slide into shotgun. I twittle my thumbs until I hear the car door shut. Derek's hand slides over the console and rests on my knee.

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