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Samuel's POV

I usually hate waking up early in the morning and going to school. There's really nothing great about our school it's boring, it doesnt make me feel alive or active it just makes me boring, but i have learned to cope with it all these years, I used to go to school just for studying and for friends. I do have hell lots of friends at Stephen's. I have known them for more than five years now, I live 10 km from my school so I travel via my cycle. What I love about mornings is the air, I like the feel of cool air against my skin. I have always been a nature lover, but this city just ruins it. Thogh I was born in this city but even being called The City of Joy, there is alot of pollution which makes me sick but I'm used to it. Just like other citizens. By the time I reach school, the cool air becomes dusty which always gets in my eye making it hurt. Always.

After parking my cycle I spend a little time to correct my shirt and tie. And wipe my all the dirt off my face, mend my messy hair yeah that's what she calls it. Smiling at the thought of her makes me feel warm again. I take my time taking in the surrounding and feeling the cool air against my skin. I start walking to wards my classroom. After walking up these stupid stairs till second floor i almost feel tired. But somehow I drag my feet toward my classroom.
The hall is full of students, I know most of them but not in the mood of getting into any conversation with them now. Most of the students spend their morning outside their classroom. And make unecessary crowd, with lots of carbon dioxide in the air, that cool and warm feeling i just had in the cycle stand goes away, but not that smile which is still in my stupid face because of her. Idk she is just something, I'm just drawn to. Of course I'm looking forward to see her again. After entering the class room i simply walk towards my bench near the window, after settling I search for Tat. He is my best friend, maybe the only true friend in this entire school. She is also his good friend, that's how I met her for the first time.
Tat and I just nod and he makes his way to my bench while I'm drinking water. He asks me about History, whether I have finished the chapters about world war. While he was talking about it, I did what I do best make this disgusting face, letting him know I'm not really enjoying this talk about history. I never liked History, it's a good subject but I'm not really that fond of that subject. It's 7:50 am she should've have been here by now. She has this habit of being nice to everybody, she is always nice to everybody, even if that person would'nt deserve her kindness. That's really one of her qualities which I both love and hate.

She will be here soon, I turned towards the window hoping that I would see her cross the road. But then I heard her voice.
She was greeting Sahil, it's not that I have to turn to say that. I dont know why, when I saw her high-five to Tat it made me smile, I turned back to look outside the window, I didn't want anybody to catch me watching her. She will settle in her bench first, drink water then.... that deep sigh, which made me smile ear to ear, I took that smile off my face immediately. I'm still looking outside the window though my mind is still calculating her usual activity. Then I know she will stand and come towards the window to open it.
Sometimes I think I really dont deserve her company, being with her is the best part of my day. She is funny, witty, crazy, shy, full of wonderful things. And yea, she is the only one who can win an argument against Tat. Whenever they both fight or argue, the whole class watches it, it's just battle of wits.
She is trying to open the jammed window, I felt like helping her but stayed glued to my seat. I just watched her from my seat, after opening the window she looked down at me, and I was still looking at her. There's always something in the eyes of people, and hers was just beautiful. She had brown eyes. When she smiles or laughs you can see this sparkle in her eyes, which just tells you how happy she is.
She wished me, "Good morning Samuel."
I greeted her back, "Good morning."
I really love the way she says my name, though everybody prefers calling me Sam but she just calls me Samuel. It's one of her traits of being too kind. She usually call people with their real name because she likes to treat and accept people the way they are using real name she lets them know, she accepts them not that she is being formal.

When she looks at me, like make an eye contact, I can't take it for long and I look away. Whenever she looks at me like that, she really tries to look at me, her gaze is so piercing, but it gives me that warm feeling too, its always soothing. But I'm afraid what if she sees my other side, will she hate me? I dont know, to be honest I really don't wanna find out.
She went to sit giving me a nod, and i saw Tat making his way towards her.
Tat my best friend, she stole him from me, which is again obvious. I smile at the thought of Tat, how he has changed a lot, not a lot though he still can be an ass sometimes. But around Teresa he is just him, all natural. Tat really cares about Teresa alot, he spends most of his times with her too. Both of them love playing "Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock". I really don't get that game, it's all confusing. I know 'Rock Paper Scissors' version but ' Lizards' and ' Spocks' version. It's a headache, how come both of them love playing it. Even the most genius fellow of our class couldn't play that game.

Tat and Teresa have become really close and great, now best friends in these 2 years. Tat shares everything with Teresa, they both talk about their life and everything and one hell like annoying thing about them is that they make  a lot of private jokes, hell I don't know how many they made on me, I'm so damn sure they did, other wise they won't just laugh like psychos, they do even if Tat would return to normal but Teresa she would laugh again and Tat won't be able to stop himself to laugh with her on some private joke they made. God knows what's with them. I wish I could join them too. Teresa, she is also like that with me, even if I said some stupid joke, she would add her witty comments to it and make it more funny, even I end up laughing more than her.

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