Chapter 9

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Finally it's Friday!

"Omg Ash. They're selling tacos at lunch today." Ellie jumped up and down like an excited 3 year old which made me pull a face at her.

"I'm guessing they're your favourite." I tried not to laugh at her childish behaviour.

"All time favourite"

"El, I need to tell you something." I started to get serious and she put her serious face on. I opened my mouth to speak but Isac just happened to have strolled past, brushing his arm against mine. I was reminded of our little 'kiss' yesterday when I smelt his gorgeous cologne. He was always smelt so good... He was amazing... Perfect... Wait, what am I saying?

"Ash. Earth to Ash." Ellie snapped her fingers in front of my eyes and interrupted me from my thoughts.

"Hmm." I hummed and turned my attention back to her. She turned and glared at Isac, whom was opening his locker; he was wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket which made him look incredibly sexy! He was also wearing his signature black ripped jeans with a red flannel wrapped securely around his thin waisted, sticking his tee to his skin like glue, showing off his toned abdomens and pecks as the t-shirt was a slim fit! I noticed he also had a red bandana tied around his leg, just under his knee; his perfect, fluffy hair was flowing down the right side of his face like always... Except it seemed more fluffy this morning!

"Ash you really have to snap out of this. He doesn't date, he smokes, he's always acting too cool for anything and he's definitely not good for you. Don't be spellbound by him, he'll cast some kind of love spell on you and then he'll rip your heart out with his bare hands, not caring that you're in so much pain a me then sh..." Ellie lectured me with a serious face, which was getting a bit too descriptive...

"Okay El..." I interrupted her, not wanting to find out what she was going to say next... I definitely can't tell her now...

"What did you need to tell me?"

"Oh nothing. Gotta go." I stuttered before exhaling loudly and speed walking into class and took my seat at the front, next to Isac's empty chair. Isac strolled in with a bored expression on his face. He noticed me and a sparkle ignited in one of his beautiful brown eyes! He took a seat next to me without even looking my way. The ignoring again?

"Hey." I mumbled and stared down at the desk with my hand on my forehead. He makes me so nervous and I have no idea why... I felt my heart pounding out of my chest. But he ignored me and just grunted.
"So about the kiss..." I stared with a crackle in my voice.

"Just forget it happened okay." He snapped at me aggressively... I stared down at the desk again and then back at him; his eyes were glued to the desk and his expression was soft...

"How can I forget something like that?" I turned my head away from him and he shrugged as my hand came in contact with my forehead, while my elbow was rested on the desk.
"You were my first ever kiss you know." I mumbled unexpectedly and he glanced across at me, staying silent.

"Well it was a mistake" He spoke quietly with anger in his voice, turning his head away from me.

"You're a jerk." I snapped and legged it out of the room before he could say another word. Yeah, it was a mistake...


I was late for detention today. Mostly because I didn't want to see Isac. I had tried avoiding him all day and so far it had worked, but of course we had detention together again... In fact we both have detention for the next 2 weeks because the teacher is such an ass! I don't even know what I did to make him hate me so much... Why he hates Isac is a different story, which I don't even care about...

I decided to sit further away from Isac, so I took the seat right at the back, in the corner of the room. I glanced at him with a frown before I stared out the window.

The room was completely silent for a few minutes. Tension was the only thing floating around the atmosphere!

"You're mad aren't you?" He suddenly questioned.

"No." I spat at him, avoiding eye contact.

"You are." He looked towards the front, resting his feet on the desk, crossing them.


"You really don't understand anything, do you?" I sighed. He's such an idiot. How can he be so insensitive? The room suddenly fell silent again.

"You were my first kiss." I told him again without mumbling and stared down at the floor.

"So you said." His tone slightly sarcastic and bland.

"Sooo, first kisses are suppose to be magical. Not a mistake. But maybe it was a mistake. The mistake was YOU being my first kiss..." I yelled at him bitterly. He turned to me, clicking his tongue and staring at me.

"Do you want to know why I called it a mistake?" His voice was a little softer than usual.

"Enlighten me." I turned to face him. He sighed and stood up making his way towards me...

"I said it was a mistake because I was scared okay. I know bizzare right?" He spoke with a soft voice again.

"Scared of what?" I asked him puzzled, I uncrossed my arms and became very interested in what he had to say.

"Scared that you'll end up like that other girl last year." I rolled my eyes and stared out the window. He's still going on about her...

"Of course." I scoffed.

"Wait, you're not jealous are you?" An amused smile crawled up on his face.

"What? No I'm not." I'm not jealous. Am I?

"Yeah sure." He pulled out the chair in front of me and sat on it backwards, with his legs open, facing me and leaning his arms on the back of the chair. I stared at him for a second and then looked away quickly as I felt my cheeks flushing up...

"So you were just scared of that?"

"Yes and because I hate you." He smirked. Now the real, obnoxious and bad Isac was back...

"Thats a shame because I love you." I teased.

"Cute but I still hate you." He smiled for the first time ever and it was adorable. It wasn't a fake smile, it was a real smile... His real smile...

"I hate you too." I replied, smiling.

"But I thought you loved me?" He pulled a shocked face, placing his hand on his heart to be more dramatic.

"Shut up." I hit his arm playfully, causing him to chuckle. His sudden change of attitude bewildered me.

"So you admit the kiss wasn't a mistake?" I bit my bottom lip slightly.

"I never said that." He smirked and I hit his arm again.

"God you're annoying."

"But you love me." He stood up and walked to his desk, grabbing his bag from under his chair and swinging it over his shoulder.

"I was joking." I flailed my arms around before grabbed my bag and following him out of the room.

"Yeah right." He responded with a small chuckle. I glared at him before leaving. Maybe he was mean't to be my first kiss... Maybe it wasn't a mistake after all...

Dangerous (Isac Elliot)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें