Chapter 2

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I stayed silent and stared out the window. How can he be so rude? Such a jerk.

The atmosphere was silent, nobody spoke or even moved... All that was heard was the ticking of the clock on the wall above the teacher's desk.

Tick, tock, tick, tock...

Finally the clock struck 4:30 and we could leave. I grabbed my bag and uncaringly swung it over my shoulder, rushing out; not taking a glance back at the boy who put me in detention.

Just as I got out of the doors, I felt a hand grip my arm and pull me back. I turned around and was greeted with a chest, moving up and down slowly; I slowly moved my eyes up to a neck and then to his face; it was Isac.

"Look I didn't mean to sound rude. The last new girl that came here was a total bitch." He stared down at me and I felt quite intimidated. He was a lot taller than me so he towered over me all the time. Don't get me wrong, I love tall guys but he was a little too intimidating.

"Well I'm not her." I pulled away from his grasp and started walking out. I felt bad for snapping at him after he'd just apologized. Maybe I should go back and apologizing for snapping at him... No! Now is not the time for apologizing Ash, he put you in detention remember? I thought to myself as I kept on walking down the street. I knew my mum wasn't going to be happy about this.

I finally got home and my mum was stood with her arms folded across her chest. Her creased forehead sent shivers down my spine. I knew what was coming.

"Well.. Why did you get detention?" She asked a bit agitated. Actually, 'a bit' was an understatement. I could tell that she was furious with me.

"It wasn't my fault mum. The guy I was sitting by was talking to me." I threw my bag down and walked up to my room before she could say anything else. That was the safest thing to do. Although, I knew I would have to face her sooner or later. I think later would be better.

I collapsed on my bed and checked my phone. - It's a habit - A smile formed on my face out of nowhere and acid was attacking my stomach, creating butterflies. What is this feeling? Why am I feeling it? Why is this feeling from him? I couldn't stop thinking about Isac and I had no idea why... I just met the guy, he gave me detention so I should hate him. But I don't.. No Ashley you need to stop this he's a jerk. He's not good for you.

*skip to next day at school*

"Hey Ash. How was detention?" Ellie ran up to me in the hall. I was getting my chemistry book out of my locker.

"Fine." I didn't really want to talk about detention because it would make me think of Isac and that strange, intoxicating feeling would return to me.

"Oh honey what happened?" She asked with a concerned look on her face. Honestly, nothing. Nothing happened.. Wait... Why am I so gutted nothing happened? What is happening to me?

"Nothing." Which was the truth. "I'll talk to you later okay." I walked into class and surprisingly, Isac was there on time today. I sighed agitatedly and braced myself for this long lesson. I couldn't deal with him right now.

"Hi." He spoke sleepily whilst not looking at me. His voice was raspy and sexy... Sexier than usual. Why am I finding his voice sexy? Whatever he's doing to me, he needs to stop.

"Hi." I replied quietly whilst sitting down next to him. I placed my books on the desk cautiously. He leaned back in his seat with the same moody expression on his face. The one that seemed to be glued to his face 24/7.

He took me by surprise by turning to me and squinting his eyes. My heart pounded against my rib cage; I had to focus hard on my breathing, since I was have breathing issues from him staring at me. Oh my god, Ashley stop...

"What?" I turned to him but he continued staring which made me feel uneasy.

"I'm figuring you out. Yesterday you were all shy and quiet and now you're more tensed and moody and slightly nervous." He leaned back up in his chair, resting his elbow on the table. Good news is he stopped squinting. "You're a mystery." He moved his head to stare back at the front and a smirk spread across his face.

"Why are you smirking?"

"Because I stole your phone 10 minutes ago and you didn't notice." He holds up my phone and I reach out to grab it.

"Isac give it back." I practically yelled.

"Ashley. Isac, detention." The teacher yelled, towering over us.


Detention again with the strictest teacher ever and the guy I hate. I grabbed my phone back off him and placed it in my bag. Isac leaned in closer to me; his breath brushed against my skin and sent electricity swimming through my veins.!

"You looked very hot in that red scarf." He whispered, causing my heart to pound. He's doing this on purpose, I can tell he is. He leaned back in his seat, smirking again. God I hate him so much.

*skip to detention*

"Great I'm here with you again." I spoke sarcastically as I sat in the same seat I was in yesterday.

"You love it really." Isac teased and stared at me.

"Not really." I brought my attention to outside the window and then turned to see Isac had his hands pressed on my desk while he leaning down to me. He was quite intimidating. But I admit this time he looked more sexy. Most of his weight was located to his hands, that were pressed against the desk; that caused his biceps to pop out more. Seriously, he has some big ass biceps.

"Whatever you're doing. Stop. This act isn't working."

"I'm not acting. I hate you." I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms. Maybe saying that to him was a mistake but I went with it nonetheless.

"Whatever. Believe what you want." He walked away, back to his seat and he seemed more pissed than normal.

Detention finally ended and I stepped outside, waiting for my dad. That detention was longer than last time.

"You're going to the party tonight aren't you?" Isac came up behind me, causing me to turn around to stare at his blank face. God, why won't he leave me alone?

"What party?"

"There's a party at the start of the semester after Christmas. Everyone goes. So I guess you will?" He sounded more relaxed and not like he wanted to kill me, so that's a good sign. You know, after I pushed his buttons and pissed him off a few minutes ago.

"I guess." I shrugged and he nodded walking away. Did he even want me there or..?

I hopped into my dad's car contemplating. We drove home. Mum is so going to kill me for being at detention again.

I couldn't help but wonder why Isac wanted me to go to that party. I mean I don't really like parties, they're not my thing, if I'm being honest. I guess I'll have to find out tomorrow.

I collapsed on my bed again, holding my phone up so I could see it. My attention drew back to what Isac whispered in class, when he was deliberately making me nervous.

"You looked so hot in that red scarf."

I flickered through my photos on my camera roll until I came across a picture of me wearing a red scarf. It was when I was back in England. Kayleigh took me shopping and said I'd look super cute in this scarf; it was a cute scarf.

Climbing off my bed, I threw my phone on the sheets and ambled over to the wardrobe, which I had unpacked all of my clothes in. I searched through all the clothes at the bottom until I came across the red scarf. I held it in my hand, feeling the soft material slip through my fingertips!

The wall mirror was right next to my wardrobe so I threw the scarf over my shoulders and stared at myself in the mirror. The scarf really did suit me.

A smile formed on my face as I remembered the shopping day with Kayleigh; then my heart pounded as Isac's words swirled around my mind again. My stomach did flips and my heart yearned to be near him again... So I took off the scarf and threw it on my bed, staring at it like I'd seen a ghost and holding my hands up to my beating heart!

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