Chapter 6

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He leaned in closer for a few seconds, staring me in the eyes like he was staring through me. "Hmm." He hummed and then turned back dragging me along after him. I didn't know my way around Kaunainian too much, since I had just moved there.
We strolled in silence back to his house and it was only when we reached there I noticed he was holding my hand. He realised too I think because he quickly let go and stormed  into his house without saying a word. I stared at his door for a few seconds before signing and sloppily walking into my house, I stared out of the window of my room for a few seconds before seeing the time on the clock next to my bed, 10:36pm. I decided to crawl into bed and sleep for the night.

*skip to school next day*

I ambled in through the doors of hell and noticed all the girls were either staring at Isac and twirling their hair around their finger, or trying not to drool over him. I rolled my eyes and noticed him staring at me, we locked eyes for a few seconds before I turned around to my locker. He had the same gloomy expression plastered on his face. Although I couldn't blame the girls from staring, I mean he is hot. Wait what?

"Ash." Ellie ran up to me and sprung her arms around me.

"Hey El." I hugged her back.

"Having no school yesterday because of the party the night before is the best thing ever." I nodded at her and smiled while I stuffed books into my locker, grabbing my chemistry. Chemistry is the lesson I have the most of, it's also the lesson I sit next to Isac.

"So what did you do yesterday?" She asked and I stared across at Isac who was staring down at his phone screen, letting his fingers dance over the keypad as he typed.

"Oh nothing." I lied and rushed into class quickly before she could ask anything else.
Isac climbed into his seat next to me without saying anything. I glanced across at him and he had a depressed/sleepy expression on his face. He had a pencil in his hand which he was tapping against the desk while his other arm was lay on the table making his biceps pop out once again. He was wearing his black jeans with knee gashes, a plain white t-shirt and a red flannel was tied around his waist; he wore a black cap backwards which actually suited him a lot.

"Hi." I said quietly and he glanced across at me for a second as if I said something to annoy him. He stayed quiet and didn't respond. Okayyy... Something's up with him.

I wrote something down on a piece of paper and slid it across the table to him discreetly. He looked down at it and then slid it back.

"Thanks but I don't need your pity." He placed h chin in his hand, leaving his other arm closest to me lay on the table. He rested his feet on the bar under the table. I stared down at the note, grabbing my black ink ball point pen writing something else down. "Passing notes in class Miss. Aura?" The teacher stared down at me and I hid the note underneath the table so he couldn't see what I had written. "Detention."

"You too Mr. Lundèn." He glared down at Isac. I don't understand why Isac has detention he didn't actually do anything this time. Isac glared up at him and opened his mouth to speak but the teacher leaned his hands against the desk, leaning towards him.
"If I were you, I wouldn't say a word. Just sit there and be quiet. You got it?" He whispered angrily to Isac, like it was some sort of threat. Isac continued glaring at him silently until he was stood behind his desk at the front.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I didn't understand the situation right now. I think the teacher hates us but I don't understand why? I just moved here. Okay maybe Isac isn't the best company to be around but still. He's a teacher he's not suppose to have favourites or not so favourite in our case. I call him 'the teacher' because I don't want to say his name. Which is Mr. Collins.

*skip to detention* (I skip alot im sorry)

"Detention again yay" I sung sarcastically while sitting down in my original seat.

"I don't mind it." Isac shrugged before sitting down in his original seat two tables away from me.

"You always have detention. You should be used to it." I snapped at him unintentionally.

"I wasn't referring to that." He stared at me and then whipped his phone out, tapping the screen. I thought for a second at what he mean't by that.

"Shush. No talking. Now I have a job for you two." The teacher stood up slowly glaring at us. "I need you to clean this room. There's a meeting held in here at 6:00 and I need it spotless." I struggled to my feet and sighed, the teacher ambled out and I walked over to the board.

"What are you doing?" Isac asked staring at me like I was insane. Again with the staring. Why is he always staring at me?

"Doing what I'm asked." I pulled a 'what do you think I'm doing' face at him, holding my hand up and starting to clean the board off.

"You do that, I'm staying here." He leaned back, placing his feet on the desk, crossing them. I turned around throwing a board rubber at him and it hits him in the stomach. "Oops, my hand slipped. Now get to work. Then maybe we'll get to leave." He glared at me, grabbing the rubber and ambling over towards me.

He began rubbing the board out and sighed. I stared up at him and my eyes flickered unintentionally to his biceps detracting and retracting. His eyes fell down to stare at me and a smirk curled at the end of his lips. I quickly stared away and helped him clean the board again. His smirk slowly faded.

* 1 hour later*

"I think we finished now." I exhaled.

"Oh thank god." Isac sighed in relief, collapsing on the nearest seat.

"Actually we haven't cleaned the windows." I smirked.

"We need to do them too?" Isac whined, pulling himself up and grabbing a cloth. He ambled up to the windows starting to clean them.

I rolled my eyes and walked up next to him, starting to help him. I tried so hard not to laugh.

"What?" He stared at me.

"We cleaned the windows an hour ago." I burst into laughter. "I can't believe you fell for it." He glared at me and then placed the cloth over my head. "Hey." I pouted, removing the cloth off my head.

"It got you to shut up." He smirked and the bell alarmed. I grabbed my bag and started to walk but Isac grabbed my hand. "Don't go yet." He said and slowly leaned in. Is he about to kiss me? No it can't be because last time he didn't, stop thinking about that Ash.

"Alright misfits you can leave now." The teacher walked in and told us, ruining our 'moment' if that's what that even was. Isac leaned back and grabbed his bag releasing my arm, leaving out the door.

"See you tomorrow?" He asked before walking past Mr. Collins. I followed and waited for my dad by the school entrance.

"Oh Ava wants to see you tonight. Could you come over?" He asked, walking up to me.

"Sure." I replied quietly and climbed straight into my dads car.

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