Chapter 20

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Between Heaven and Hell

Copyright © 2012 by Carla Meyer

All Rights Reserved



Meredith took a deep breath as sat down next to the road and took a deep sip of her bottled water. She couldn’t believe that there weren’t any cars in Devilsville, and because she had lost her power, she had to travel the same way humans did for many years.

Another thing that puzzled Meredith lately, was the fact that no one had come to Devilsville to find survivors or to revive the town of its mass destruction. It was as though the town had disappeared off of the face of the earth, or that it was not seen by anyone, except if they were from Heaven or Hell. It was all puzzling and confusing, but Meredith didn’t linger on that speculation for too long. She was on a mission after all; she was going to bring Joey back from Hell.

She still had no clue as to what she was going to do exactly, but she knew he had gone to Lordsville to save his sister. She couldn’t believe how imprudent Joey had been to walk into Lucifer’s trap, because the girl he had gone to save, if there even had been a girl, was definitely not his sister. She hoped that Joey had figured out that, if there was indeed a girl, it wasn’t his sister, because Phoebe Olsen, just as Meredith, was his Guardian Angel.

After merely a few minutes of rest, Meredith got to her feet and started towards Lordsville again. She knew it was a long shot, but she also knew that she couldn’t sit back and do nothing to save Joey. To her, it seemed like Heaven has given up on him, yet none of them knew how much Joey had sacrificed to withstand the evil part of himself. She had seen it several times, and so have the Archangels, yet for some reason they weren’t willing to take any risks for him.

She had been walking for a little over a day, yet there were no cars that passed her by, no sign of any life. There weren’t any birds, or insects, or any sound other than her strange heartbeat and breathing. There was nothing and no one, and Meredith hadn’t felt this alone before. Of course, she had spent the only life she remembered with Joey Olsen, and now that he was gone, a part of her went missing too.

She sighed in relief when the road sign of Lordsville came into view. It had the same sort of scenery Devilsville had, apart from the great destruction of the town. There was only one house in this little part of nowhere, and as if Meredith could feel Joey had been there, she walked to the house and stopped. She remembered Joey telling her how he had sent the Calantini’s and the old man, whom this house belonged to, to Hell. A feeling of sorrow filled Meredith, but only for a second, and she continued leisurely towards the house.

She pushed at the jarred door and took a step inside. A ruffling sound came from inside, but before Meredith could make another move, a sharp object was pressed against her back and the person had their arm wrapped around her neck.

“Who are you?” the voice ordered, pressing the knife more harshly at her back. She could feel blood ooze through her skin and let out a soft moan.

“Meredith,” she mumbled unintelligibly. “My name is Meredith.”

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