Chapter one

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It was 11:30 P.M. I was up late getting ready for school and work the next day, when I heard the front door open then slam shut. I sat straight up in my bed and listened.

I could hear vioces downstairs. My dad is home, and what seems to be a couple of his friends, they probably stumbled here drunk from Rico's, -which is a grill and bar I work at during the day after school just around the corner.- After a few minutes of listening I heard my dad start to get angry, and heavy footsteps thumped up the stairs.
I jumped out of my bed where I was writing in my journal -which I quickly hid under my torn old mattress- I slipped into the bathroom that was attached to my room, and locked the door behind me.
I could her the footsteps in the hallway and when they stoped and I heard my bedroom door bang open and my dad yelled "RACHEL WHERE HELL ARE YOU!!" I was so scared but I didn't let it get to me, I don't let it get to me anymore, most of the time.

I stood in front of the bathrooms door, knowing that hiding just made everything worse.
The knob shook on the bathroom and dad pounded on the cheap wood with his fist
"Open up now!" he yelled.

I tell myself that if I open the door sooner rather then later the punishment won't be as bad, but if I wait a bit longer, maybe it will be bad enough that the neighbors will hear, I always tell myself something along the lines of this, but no one ever comes. No one wants to get involved. But that, I understand.

More bangs, more yells, but I finally unlocked the rickety door. And backed away. I knew what was going to happen and I let myself sink back into a part of my mind that makes everything numb. Where I didn't have to feel whatever was going to happen this time.

the door flew open and there stood my dad rage and alcohol making his face red and splotchy.
He came over to me grabed me by my hair and dragged me into my room while yelling "you think its ok not to listen to me?"
throwing me onto the floor he stood over me
"How many times did I call you" he said as I sat there on the floor, my mind to boxed up for me to open my mouth with any possible reply. But I didn't care.

"Answer me" he said with a kick to my side, but I just scooted myself back to the foot of my bed, my arms holding my legs and my head in between my knees.
"did you hear me the first time?"
I still didn't reply.
He bent over and got right next to my ear, the alcohol on his breath was making my stomach turn. "You answer me the first time."
That's when his hand slapped me across my face, wrenching my neck and throwing my head to the side.
I didn't know why he was mad this time but I knew that if I asked it would just give him a reason to feel more justified in his anger. So I just waited. I knew that if I did nothing he'll run out of steam and leave me alone, or one of his buddies who normally comes over with beer and weed will come up the stairs looking for him so they can get even more waisted.
That's ok, I can wait.

This book is going to be changed a little so I'm sorry if there's a bit of confusion.
- Penny

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