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Jonathan (delirious) pov.

I woke up in a white room tied down. My vision is so blurry then I black out.
Few hours later

I wake up again but in the same room but I'm not tied down this time. Then a woman came in. "Ah mr Jonathan u are awake!" She says with a nervous smile. I tilt my head. "I'm sorry but who's Jonathan?" I ask to only see her shocked. "Oh dear um so do u remember anything?" She asked nervously. I nod and say "I remember people calling me delirious the masked maniac?" She seems afraid. "But I don't understand why and who would call me that.." I say looking straight into her eyes. She seemed relieved. "Well I can explain to u later just lay down so we can see how bad of amnesia is." She told me and I layer down. She did everything she needed to do and left and told me to stay here. I just star up and walked to a window. I looked out widow it was night time and there were police cars? I just shrug it off and notice I'm in a robe.,.. 0-0 I look in a closet and see clothes. I took them and a flash of memory appeared.
It was me.. I was killing., I was so horrified of what I did... I put on my clothes and sit back down on the bed. She came back and say me in a light blue hoodie, white shirt, and some black pants. "Well I see u found your clothes and the amnesia isn't permeant all u have to do is do this u used to do!" She chirped. "I have to kill to remember?.." I was about to cry. "Umm I guess so but u will only kill bad guys ok no innocent people like before ok?" I nod and ran to hug her. She was shocked and hugged back. "Ok we have a bad guy for u to kill ok? Oh and here!" She handed me a mask.
I then saw another memory of how I got in this hospital. I was hit in the head and it stabbed, I saw a bandage around my stomach. "You remember?" She asked as she saw me touch my wound. "I only got 2 memories back..." I told her smiling before I slipped the mask on. People shook in fear it hurt me so bad was I really that much of a killer? Then we arrived to the place were I had to kill a bad guy. He was wearing a suit and had a mask on. "He looks innocent..." I tell the nurse. "Well he's not he raped and killed two woman. I was there in shock and wanted to take revenge for them. I nod and walk into the room she tried to follow but I closed the door before she could get in. "Please no I don't want to hurt u by accident..." I tell her as she nods. I saw the man. I felt something in my pocket. It was a knife... I plus it out and see the man he looked so happy that he did that to those woman. "Who are u?" I ask in a creepy voice. "I AM THE GREAT ALL MUGHT SAM SECOND!!" He screamed and laughed maniacally. Jeez now I know why I have to him dead. I close my eyes and blend into the darkness. I became insane for to see blood. I giggled my creepy ass giggle. "Who are u?" The man asked scared. I felt bad but what he did to those woman made me rage in anger. I then stepped out of the darkness with my mask lifted about my mouth showing a mischievous grin. He stood in fear. "I'm sorry I'm sorry the great delirious please please SPARE ME!!" He begged. "Shhh this won't hurt.." I told him and he replied with a hopeless "really?" "Yes cuz I won't hurt me~~" I told him and he screamed and I laughed maniacally. I remember everything. I killed the man I then notice the blood: "wow what a work of art~" I told myself. Then the door swung open it was the nurse. I had to kill someone again but not her she helped me I am in her dept. "u remember everything?.," she asked scared that I might kill her. "Yes and I won't kill u ma'am I am in your dept. u helped me and for that u shall not kill u." I told her controlling myself. She smile a sweet smile and told me that there is a patient showered so I can go clean up. I nod and she lead me there and I was glad they had a curtain!! I undressed and she took my clothes to clean them. I washed my black hair and my face and my body from any blood splatters.. When u was done so was my clothes I then dried my body with a towel. And then put on my clothes and then turned to the nurse who was looking away. "I'm dressed so u can look." Then I chuckled because of her. I hug her again, "thank u ms...." "Angie call me Angie." I nod " thank u Angie."
"Come on we are going to my place ok?" I nod and followed she doesn't have a car so I told her I'd give her a piggyback ride. She said "no it fine I've alway done this." She told me and giggled a little bit and I laughed alone with her. We made it to her place she was making food. "Food" I said in awe. "Hehe I know u love food." She told me giggling. We started to talk until we ended up being interrupted by a man with a monkey mask in running from a slightly taller dude that didn't have a mask. "LUI!!!!!" The talker man yelled. "ITS MINE DAVID!!" The monkey mask guys yelled back laughing. "GOD DAMNMIT LUI!!" The taller man yelled and then tackled the small money man. Then grabbed something from the monkeys grasp. "I told u we could have shared these gummy bears. But no u had to be a greedy little man." The tall man told the monkey that was trying to get out of the tall mans grasp. "I WANTED THEM ALLLLL!!" The small man yelled as he saw the gummy worms being eated by the tall man. The tall man gave one to the monkey Mask boy and ate it. Then he got off the monkey mask man only to see me and Angie laughing out butts off. "Whose this Angie?" The tall man asked. "This is a new friend I made." She responded with a fake smile. I can tell she's protecting me. "Cool I'm Lui!" The monkey masked man said. "And I'm David." The tall man said while eating gummy bears. I nod and wave hello. "I don't talk much huh?" David say walking closer. "David ur strangers to him and he only likes to talk to me so don't interrogate him ok?" Angie told David and he backed off. She was done cooking and I saw pancakes. I run to hug her and she hugged back. "Why the heck is he.." Lui asked. "Like I said he likes to talk o me but he hugs to say thank u to me." She told Lui and he nods. I then lifted the mask over my mouth and eat the delicious pankcacks that were drenched in sweet sweet syrup. I finished my pancakes at he same time as Angie did and I washed the dishes. Me and Angie wanted to watch a movie and when we got to the living room the couch was taken by Lui David and 6 other guys. "Hey guys!" Angie said smiling. She gave me a loo hat says get behind me:". I obeyed and got behind her. "Hey uh who's that?" A man with a pig mask on asked. "A new friend!! I met him today" she told everyone. "I'm Tyler but u call me wildcat" he told me and I nodded. "I'm Craig!" The guy in a suit told me. And I waved hi. "I'm marcel" another guys in a monkey mask said. I nod. "Im Brian!" A man with sunglasses and a glowing red eye tells me. "And I'm Brock!" A man with a rainbow tank top. "I'm Evan but u call me vanoss." The man with a owl mask and a bright red jacket told me. I nod.
Well his is going good?

Hey guys this is the prologue!! I hope u enjoye. And the original part one will be out today as well!!!

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