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Where Abigale is visiting home and Tintin comes with her.

"Okay my mom is a bit overbearing, and my siblings are-" Abigale started but Tintin shushed her. "They're your family. I'm sure they are wonderful." He said. She smiled and twiddled her thumbs. The cab ride to her family farm was taking forever. Tintin noticed her nervousness and took her hand. "I'm going to be okay." He whispered in her ear. She looked up at him. "It's not you I'm worried about. I haven't seen them since I've moved to Belgium." She told him with a slight frown.

Tintin wished he knew what to say, but he hadn't really much knowledge in the family department. Finally the car pulled to a stop with a medium sized house and a large red barn with chipped paint. Abigale let go of Tintin's hand and grabbed their bags, while she was doing that Tintin payed the cabbie. Abigale handed Tintin his bag and started to lead him to the place she once belonged.

Abigale felt out of place, she once wore overalls, now she wore a fancy dress. Before they even reached the door something bolted towards them yelling "Abi, Abi, Abi!" Abigale knelt down to the ground with open arms and caught the blur. She lifted up the young boy. "Hello little John." She beamed at the young boy. She turned to Tintin. "This is my younger brother Johnny. Johnny this Tintin." She introduced.

"How do you do?" Tintin said softly and held out his hand. Johnny gladly shook it. "You sound funny." Johnny commented. Abigale's eyes widened. "Jonathan!" Abigale gasped. "No he's all right,but to me it's you who sounds funny." Tintin teased. They all laughed. Abigale set down her brother and told him to go tell their mother she was home.

Once they reached the door the smell of Apple pie hit them like a brick. "Smells delicious." Tintin said amazed. "How come you never say that when I cook?" Abigale asked with a frown. "Just always remember that I love you." He said softly and rushed inside. Abigale huffed and rolled her eyes. A short woman with light brown, choppy brown hair with gray streaks came into the room. "Abigale, dear you're home! Oh and I see you brought your friend from Brussels." Her mother chimed, but Abigale could tell it was just because Tintin was here. "Tintin." He introduced himself. "I'm Mary Dougless. Abigale's mother." Mary said. "Now come on in make yourselves at home." Abigale's mother added.

"They don't seem to bad." Tintin whispered in her ear.  Abigale looked up at him. "You've been here five minutes I've lived here 16 years." Tintin looked around. "I thought you had a sister?" He said slightly confused. "She's probably still mad I moved to Belgium." Abigale replied. "That was almost a year ago." He said astonished. "Us Dougless' know how to hold grudges." She said smugly.


"I can't believe your mom won't let me take the couch. And your not going to sleep on it either." Tintin sighed. Abigale didn't look up from her book, but pushed up her reading glasses. "Tintin dear, when we are married this is what it's going to be like all the time." She said and turned the page. He rolled his eyes. "Who said we were getting married?" He asked sitting on the bed next to her. "I believe I just did." She replied with a smirk. "Was that you asking me?" He asked with a smile. "No, that's unladylike. I'll leave the asking to you, dear." She replied still not looking up from her book. Tintin sighed. "Says the girl who dressed like a man and kicked me in the privates." He said seriously.

Before they could say another word a giggle was heard. "Johnny shut up!" A female whisper was heard. Tintin and Abigale looked at each other and nodded. "Johnny, Opal come in here please. " Abigale said sternly. The two marching in solemnly. "I expect this sort of thing from our brother but you are almost 16 years old. Are you really spying on us?" Abigale added. "It was her idea!" Johnny gasped. Tintin smiled softly. "Come on little one, I'll take you to bed. How about a story?" Tintin asked Johnny. He stood up and lifted up the child. He took Johnny to his room so Abigale and Opal could talk.

"I can't believe your going to marry that guy. Do you even know him?" Her sister yelled. "Yes I do know him. I know Tintin very well. He's my best friend! And I'm not going to marry him any time soon. We are far to young. " Abigale counteracted
"What kind of a name is Tintin? It's horrible!"
"Is that really your best argument?

Opal stayed quite. "I feel like you've left us for some stranger. Like you don't even care." She whispered. Abigale hugged her tightly. "You just need to get to know him. You saw how fast Johnny warmed up to him. Mother seems to like him, and she never liked any of the boys I brought home. I left because I found an opportunity to better my life, and meeting Tintin was the best thing that's ever happened. And do you really think if I didn't care I would have come home. That flight from here to there is ridiculous!" Abigale said with a smile. Opal nodded. "Your right big sis. Good night."

Tintin walked in and smiled. "Meeting me was the best thing that ever happened to you, aye." He smirked. Abigale rolled her eyes. "Don't get a big head." Abigale said and playfully punched his arm.

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