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Italy's P.O.V

After a few minutes, countries began flooding the room. All of them stared at me. It was weird and scary at the same time. Once every country arrived, Germany began talking. "The subject today is economy! If someone would like to speak, speak up and raise your hand!" He seemingly yelled. Once he finished his tiny speech, America immediately raised his hand. "What is it America?" Germany asked.

"Italy dude, your eyes are open! They're effen dope!"

"Grazie~" I replied back.

I closed them and continued doodling in the back of my papers. I waited until lunch break to arrive so that I could start eating my homemade pasta.

As soon as lunch break started, I ran out of the room and stopped at the doorway. I soon ralized that I didn't have any pasta with me! I began panicking and started looking for Germany. But he was no where to be seen. As I was looking for him, I managed to stop by an italian restaurant. 

I sat down in one of the seats and asked one of the waiters for the menu. I ordered Lemon-Basil Orzotto. It was delicious! As I finished my meal, I realized that it was time to go back to the meeting. I paid for the food and headed out.

As I put my hands on the meeting doors, I began hearing whispering coming from the room. I place my ear into the door and listen carefully.

"Vhere is italy. He should have been here by now."

"Maybe he's out flirting with the ladies."

"Probably, aru."

"He really is an idiot."

"Dude, don't say that! Italy's an awesome guy."

A/N: So I might write an actual plot to this, I don't know. What do you guys think? I'm not going to upload daily for this because of school. So yeah sorry for the long update. And tell me what you guys think about it so far. :)

The Eyes of an ItalianWhere stories live. Discover now