14 - Gone

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-Maya's POV-

"N-no. P-please wake up Lia!" I cry into her cold shoulder. "I'm sorry."

I feel a sudden warmth come from behind me. Someone wrapped their arms around me. I set Dahlia down and turned around to see Luke.

His face was worried. He glanced behind me to Lia before hugging me in complete shock. Ashton, standing behind Luke, was pacing running his hands through his curly hair. He was talking to someone on the phone. Probably the ambulance.

I cried for minutes into Luke's shoulder until I turn back around and stare at Dahlia. 

"Luke. This is all my fault," I speak so quietly I'm surprised he heard me.

"Hey, Maya it's not," He whispered into my ear.

"No. It is. If I went back into my room, I would've heard her leave. I would've stopped her. Now look at her."

"You don't know what happened. It's gonna be okay."

"I can't loose her too," I cry.

"You've still got me."

"Yeah, but you're not the one who was with me when my parents died. She was the closest thing I had to sister."

"It's okay," He plays with my hair as I hug Lia's cold body.

Within minutes I hear sirens ringing around me. I'm being pulled off of Lia by Luke. A bunch of people pick her up and strap her onto a stretcher.

They carry her into the ambulance. And lock her in there. They didn't say if she was okay or if she wasn't. They just carried her away on a stretcher.

Everything went blurry again. I fell back into Luke's arms. I can't believe this is happening.

Ashton called Calum and Michael and told them what happened.

Eventually, we made our way to the hospital.


We were in the waiting room. Calum and Michael were already there.  Michael came and gave me a hug. So did Calum.

I noticed Calum's eyes were red and puffy. But once I had looked he turned his head.

I sit down and Luke sits next to me. I lean my head on his shoulder. Wrapping his arm around me, he kisses my forehead. Luke really knew how to make me calmer.

He makes me feel safe. Especially when I need it.

I really do love him. I wish we could be together. But we can't. It just won't work out.

"Hey Luke?" I whisper.

"Mmhm?" He responds looking at me laying on his shoulder.

"Is she dead?"

"I don't know Maya. I really hope she isn't. For now we can just hope," He moves his arm to my waist and pulls me even closer to him.

I don't respond. I just sit there in silence.

No one speaks. Until Calum rushes up to me. "Maya. I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry," He pleads.

"Hey Calum. Forget about it. It's not your fault. I freaked out, I'm sorry for that." I respond trying to make him feel better.

"No! She might be dead because I wouldn't listen to her! If I just listened."

"It's not your fault Cal! It's all of our fault. I should've talked to her. I shouldn't have blown her off. I don't care anymore of what you did. I just want to see her alive."

He doesn't respond, just sits back down. Michael came over a few times and reassured me everything was going to be okay. I honestly don't believe him.

But I have to try.

We wait for two hours until a nurse walks into the room.

"Maya Hawthorne?" She called out my name.

I look up at her as she motions for me to follow her.

"Miss Hawthorne, I have been told that you are the cousin of Miss Pearce."

"Yeah, I and live with her in our house."

"Does she have a parent we could contact?"

"Yeah my uncle, her dad."

"Okay have you contacted him?"

"No, I-I can't. It's too hard."

"If you give us his number we could do it for you, because of circumstance."

"Thank you. Um, by any chance will I be able to see her?"

"Not yet. The doctors are still working on her," My face falls. She might not make it. "Miss Hawthorne, you can trust the doctors here."

"I-I know. It's just I've already lost both my parents and my auntie. I can't lose her too."

"I understand. It'll be alright."

I weakly smile as she guides me back to the waiting room.

I walk back up to Luke and sit next to him. He looks at me concerned but instead of saying anything I just kiss his cheek then rest my head on his shoulder again.

Within minutes another nurse came in and told us that only two of us could go see her. The guys told me that I should go and that Luke should come with me.


The room has four white walls and a marble floor. She's laying on a regular hospital bed.

The doctors still won't tell me anything. Not even if she's alive.

When I see her, the gash has been taken care of. She's in clean hospital clothing. Yet, her lips are still blue. I run up to her bed and grab her hand. I hope she makes it through.

"Dahlia. Please be alive." I mumble before I start to cry again.

Maybe I did lose her.

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