My Angel Alex [Complete, Mpreg, BoyxBoy]

Start from the beginning

"I want to keep it" I whispered. The smile I got in return made my insides warm, he leaned down and kissed be with so much passionate my toes curled.

In the following months we moved out our parents house and bought our own. It was two stories with three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a big living room and kitchen. It was our dream house. I also started to show. Nick couldn't keep his hands off my stomach. He was more protective of me but I kinda like the loving attention. We both had steady jobs. He worked at his dad's firm which he loved and I worked as an assistant for a very famous artist. We both were going to take temporary leave for four months when the baby was born. In the beginning I was a little uncertain about my choice in keeping the baby but now I'm so excited to meet him. We found out the gender last month. Secretly I was hoping for a boy and so was Nick so we were both happy, but even if it was a girl we would of still been as happy.

Nick was amazing. He took care of me everyday and put up with my mood swings and weird cravings. This week I was addicted to eating ramen noodles with a ton of hot sauce and pickles with barbecue sauce. He even ate my cravings with me some times that's how he became obsessed with eating marshmallows and dark chocolate together. In hindsight it wasn't the worse craving to other people but to me it was weird because I never liked marshmallows because of the texture. That was my first craving so it wasn't wild as the others like when I only ate pickles dipped in hot sauce with whip cream. He gave me massages when my feet and my back became too sore and he cuddled with me when the pain became too much and I cried. He was perfection.

I went into labor on May 9. It was the middle of the day and I was making lunch when the pain suddenly hit me. I dropped the knife I was using to cut up the vegetable for some good homemade vegetable soup. I grabbed onto the counter tightly and did the breathing exercises I learned in my birth class. After the contraction was over I waddled over to the house phone and called Nick's job. The secretary answered and told me she would pass on the message quickly. Next I called my mom and dad. I didn't know what to do after that so I drove myself to the hospital. They had me dress in a plain white gown then they wheeled me into a delivery room. The contractions came and went, each one lasting longer and hurting more. About an hour in my parents came through the door. My mom hugged me tightly and my dad gave me a proud smile.

The doctor came in and informed that I was going to be pushing in thirty minutes. I was suddenly nervous and worried. Where was Nick? He was suppose to be here by my side holding my hand. It seemed like I was in my own little world for a while because the same doctor and a few others came in and told me it was time. I really didn't want to give birth to our baby without Nick here but I knew I had no choice. My dad held my hand as I pushed and pushed for three hours. Finally we heard a piercing cry and I knew our son was here. They wrapped him up and gave him to me. He was so beautiful and perfect. He looked so much like Nick it was scary. He had the same hair color, same lips and same face structure. He had my nose and ears. He still hadn't opened his eyes so I didn't know the color.

An hour later a doctor came into my room. He looked at me sympathetically. I thought it was about the baby so I was scared. What came out if his mouth turned my whole world upside down.

"I'm sorry to tell you Mr.Hayes but your boyfriend Nick Clarke has been in a car accident" my heart stopped.

"He's okay right?" I asked, hoping for a good answer.

"I'm sorry but he was killed instantly" the doctor said. I'm sure he said more but my I tuned him out. Nick was dead. He was dead. And I just had a baby. His baby. A baby that he didn't even see or touch.

I cried and I cried till there were no tears left. I expected Nick to come out and say "you just got punk'd" but that never happened. I didn't know what to do. My parents said I could live with them but I didn't want to. Me and Alex went home a week later. I named him Alex Nicholas Clarke. Alex was the name Nick wanted and Nicholas was a tribute to him. He had Nick's eyes, a unique moss green.

My Angel Alex [Complete, Mpreg, BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now