8: Bea

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Names to vote on for the Davenport baby: DAVIS, ALEXANDER, COLLIN, JAMES !!!! COMMENT YOUR VOTE BELOW!

Beatrice's POV

My eyes go wide as I realize what Maggie said. "Wait, you mean robot Marcus?"

"Yeah." Maggie says.

I look back over to Marcus. Come on! He's so cute, why does he have to be possibly bad? ERGH!

"Okay, I got a plan. Come on. And no robot references!" I march back over to the group, right into the middle of Kylie telling an embarrassing story.

"And we said, we did say this actually, 'Beas! You can NOT go out in public with your mother's bra on your head! Just 'cause it's folded in half and fits you like a hat, it does NOT mean it is!' And then Bea got all mad and-"

"Okay, Ky, that's enough." I laugh. I pull out my phone and send her a text.

Me: Remember robot Marcus?

Kylie pulls out her phone in way that's suspicious, since it's obvious I just sent a text.

Kylie: Our parents' old buddy?
Me: Yeah
Kylie: What about him?
Me: New Guy Marcus looks just like him!!!!!

Kylie glances up at Marcus and by the look on her face, I know she recognizes him.

"Shoot." She says out loud.

"What?" Annalie asks,  her attention veering off Toby for only a second to ask.

"Nothing!" Kylie smiles. "Hashtag Selfie with the Newbie!" She flips her phone in front of Marcus and I to snap a picture. She's way smarter than we give her credit. "Gimme your number so I can send it to you." 

"Uh, okay?" Marcus rattles off his cell number.

Kylie smartly doesn't give out any of our numbers. God, my cousin is a genius! We know have Marcus's picture and his cell number. Easier for Mom and our other computer geeks to figure out if he's bad or nah. 

"So, Marcus? Where are you from?" Kylie says.

"Oh, I've always been homeschooled." He states.

"Really?" I say.


"Our parents were homeschooled until high school."

"Yeah. My mom taught me last year, but in May, she was killed in a car crash."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

He gives me a sad smile. "Yeah. She was always really protective. You see, I look just like my dad did at my age."

"Yeah?" Kylie questions, giving me a side glance.

"Yeah, and this weird neighbor of his when he was a kid, he was like a mad scientist. Anyways, he was building this robot, and he needed someone to mold it after, so he molded it after my dad. Dad thought it was cool, and he learned some engineering stuff, and now he's an Engineer at UCMC." 

*AUTHOR'S NOTE: UCMC, or University of California: Mission Creek, isn't real, I just made it up lol.*

Kylie gasps. "Marcus! That's fascinating! Do you want to come over after school? Our grandfather is Donald Davenport, and I'll bet he'd love to hear that whole story."

I think we've solved the mystery on the Present Time Twin of the Past's Robot Boy.

I AM SO SORRY! I don't even care if you hate me, because I don't blame you! I leave you hanging for like three months! I'm super busy in the summer and don't get much time to update. Steady updates to come!


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