5: Annalie & Bea

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Annalie's POV

"So, like no one knows about your bionics outside this family?" Toby asks.

"Yes, Toby, and we need to keep it that way." Chase says. He looks at me and smiles. "But, if Annalie here trusts you, then I do too." 

Aunt Bree, Uncle Adam and Gramps Davenport nod. We're in the lab right now. 

"Okay. Don't worry. I would never think of telling anyone about it."

"Not even Nina and Eli." I say, looking Toby straight in the eye. 

"Don't worry, Annalie. I promise." 

"Okay!" Dad claps his hands. "Annalie, why don't you walk Toby out. We've got work to do following those EBHs." 

"What's an EBH?" Maggie asks.

Mom chuckles. "Evil Bionic Humans. I came up with it when I was younger. And Adam thought it meant elephants buy hats."

"Haha." Uncle Adam rolls his eyes.

"I gotta go. My mom and dad are probably freaking out right now." Toby says, heading towards the elevator. I follow him. We get inside and I push the up button. "This is super cool, Annalie." 


"You don't seem to think so."

"Well, it's just that....I spend a lot of time worrying about my parents' and aunts' and uncles' safety." I lean against the elevator wall.

"I'm sure." Toby smiles.

The elevator beeps and we walk into the hallway. I walk with Toby to the door, then walk outside with him. "Oh, I totally forgot! Do you need a ride or something? Kylie could drive you." 

"Nah, I live just down the road a little ways. See where that intersection is? Turn there and walk a little, then you get straight to my house." He smiles. "I had fun today, Annalie."

"Me too." He's really close and I can definitely feel my heart beating. 

He blushes and quickly kisses me on the cheek. "See you later? Text me or something." He then dashes off. 

Aww. Toby's shy! Hashtag happyface! What's with me? I don't use hashtags!

Bea's POV

Annalie walks back inside all smiley and blushy. What was my little sister doing out there?

"Heeeeyy Annalie!" I say, popping out behind the wall.

She jumps and gasps. "Geez, Bea! You scared me!" 

"Sorry. Just be glad it was me that saw you all blushy and not Dad or Mom or Trev." 

She glares at me. "Shut up, Beatrice. I don't think you should act all high and mighty. You're grounded." She smirks.

I glare at her. "Oh, s'okay, An. I might get time off when I tell Mom and Dad that Toby is your booooooooyyyyyfriend."

"He is not my boyfriend."


"Yeah." She gives me one last glare then stomps off to her and Maggie's room.

Oh, I am so telling Dad. He won't be so keen on trusting Toby then. He'll just want to un-ground me.

I run downstairs to the lab. I think just Mom and Dad are in there now. I bang open the door. "Hey guys guess- AHH!" I shield my eyes. "PDA! PDA! Break it up, guys!" Okay, so my parents are just kissing, and I know they've obviously done more, but it' still disgusting.

"Beatrice!" Mom exclaims, surprised. 

"What's so important?" Dad looks irritated. 

"Annalie's got a boyfriend."

"And?" Mom says. "We know her and Toby have a bit of a thing, Bea."

"Yeah." Dad says. "And what kind of sister are you, trying to spill on your sister?"

"The kind where she thinks she'll be ungrounded, that's what." Mom rolls her eyes. "Come on, Bea. Let's go upstairs."

Okay, guys. Everyone knows that Mellie is having a baby, as Bea stated in past chapters. Well, I'd like to have a little help describing the baby. First off: boy or girl? By the time the next chapter comes up, whatever gender has the most votes will determine the baby's gender. Just comment below if you want it to be a boy or girl. 

My Dad is Bionic (3rd Book in Bionic Feelings trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now