4: Maggie & Annalie

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Maggie's POV

"Mom!" I hear Annalie scream. Annalie? Since when did she get here? And why is Toby McBraun here? I look over and see Mom being dragged away by one of the bionics.

"Mom!" I yell, jumping up. I drop my headphones and hand Uncle Mitch my tablet.

"Maggie! Get back here!" Uncle Mitch yells, but I run out from our hiding spot. We were there monitoring vitals and being tech support.

"Mom!" I scream.

"Mellie!" I hear Dad yell.

"Chase! Help me!" Mom screams.

Dad and Aunt Bree take off after the bandit. Uncle Adam continues beating up the other criminal, but he seems to be equally as strong.

I start running after Aunt Bree and Dad and Mom, but there's no way I can keep up. But maybe I could jump...well, not me, but I know someone who's a bit of an athlete that could jump off of that thingy and crash into that dweeb that's stealing my mother.

I run over to Annalie and Toby. "An!"

"Mag? What's going on?"

"Bank robbery with evil bionics. And I need Toby." I grab Toby's arm and drag him over to our hiding spot.

"Why do you need me?" Toby asks, looking slightly scared. I explain to him my plan.

Annalie smiles. "That could work!" She turns to Toby. "That's why we're the smart ones. Trev is the athlete, and Bea is just an average teenage girl that doesn't give two sheeps about anything."

Toby turns to me, then back to Annalie, then to me. "So, Toby?" I say.

"Uh, sure. But tell me, what's the survive to death ratio?" He asks, then laughs. "I'm kidding. Okay, let's go." Annalie tucks a strand of her short hair behind her ear, and I do the same with my long hair. The only way to tell us apart is our hair. She's got hers cut into a long bob, and always curls it. Mine is just boring and long.

We run over to a big metal box that looks like it houses the air conditioning unit for the building. It's huge, but there's a maintenance ladder that we quickly climb on. The perp is still flying around the roof, so we have to act quickly. He seems to be teasing Dad with Mom.


"Okay, ready Toby?" Annalie asks.

"Yup. Pole vaulting is bae." He says. I throw him the fiberglass pole that was found on the roof. It's almost the right size, but hey, when you find a pole on the roof made out of the same stuff as a pole vault pole, you don't judge.

Toby runs and then vaults, throwing himself directly in the direction of the criminal and Mom. Annalie and I run over to Uncle Adam, and position him in the right spot to catch Toby, and hopefully Mom.

Toby yells as he crashes into the criminal, sending Mom towards Uncle Adam nod the criminal to the ground, where Aunt Bree ties him up. Toby, on the other hand, flies in a totally different direction: towards the edge of the roof.

"Toby!" Annalie shrieks. "Aunt Bree, get Toby!" Aunt Bree runs over to Toby, where she grabs his hand right before he falls.

"Someone help me! I can't pull him up on his own!" Aunt Bree yells. Uncle Mitch runs over to his wife and they pull Toby up.

Annalie's POV

"Oh my God!" I yell, and run over to Bree, Toby and Mitch. "Toby, are you okay?" I ask as Bree and Mitch pull Toby up.

They set him down on the ground, where he sits up and stretches against the wall. He looks up at me and smiles. "Yeah, I'm fine. Little light headed from being, you know, upside down, but I'm fine."

I sit down next to him. "That's good."

"Oh, and also, I'm a little shocked by your crazy family."

"Yeeeaaahh, you aren't supposed to know." I say. He looks at me.

"I'm not?"

"Not really. But it's really okay! I mean, my mom wasn't supposed to know, but she found out, and look at my mom and dad now!" I say. Toby's face turns red, and I realize what I just said. Okay, that's a little awkward, isn't it?

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. I promise." He stands up, offers me a hand, and pulls me up. He doesn't let go of my hand right away, either. He doesn't let go of my hand right away, either! HE DOESN'T LET GO OF MY HAND RIGHT AWA-

"Annalie! Honey, we need to talk to you!" Mom says.

"And TJ!" Dad adds.

"It's Toby, Chase." I hear Mom say.

"I meant Toby!" Dad says.

Toby lets go of my hand and stares at me with wide eyes. "I have a feeling this is going to be scarier than dangling over the edge of this building."

"Don't worry, Toby. My dad is the least scary of the Davenport siblings."

My Dad is Bionic (3rd Book in Bionic Feelings trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now