23 |Lancelot and Guinevere|

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When I walked into the guest bedroom minutes later I found Marco sitting at the edge of the small bed, his head down and his shoes thrown into the corner. His hands were gripping the bed sheets around him in a death grip.

I quietly closed the door to give us some privacy and when I turned around Marco said, "You haven't forgiven me have you?"
His voice was so broken, so miserable that it tore my heart up inside.

Letting out a heavy sigh I walked over to the bed, sat down on the opposite side of him so our backs were facing each other and I kicked off my feet. I don't know why it helped me calm down so much but it did so I also unclasped my bra and pulled through the sleeve of my shirt. I honestly felt like I was in heaven.

That was until Marco spoke up again with, "Eliza? Do you hate me?"

I collapsed back on the bed, taking comfort in its comfort. With my eyes closed I responded with, "I could never hate you."

"But you are mad at me," he asked, like a child asking his parents if Santa really was real. It was a question he needed to ask but didn't necessarily want the answer to.

"I don't want to say that I am," I admitted.

"I thought everything was fine between us. You were acting completely normal at dinner. What changed?"

"I was only doing that so Aria wouldn't stab my eyes out with her fork. I could tell that she thought there was something going on between Xander and I so I had to disprove her belief."

I heard a sound coming from Marco, something not quite manly.

With a broken voice he said, "I'm sorry Eliza. You have to know that."

Nearly a minute passed by in silence. I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't want to hear about it, but I had to know.
"Why did you do it?"

Marco didn't respond for quite some time but eventually he did. "I was trying to move on from you."

"You wanted revenge," I said coldly. "You said so yourself yesterday."

Marco sighed. "Yes, I did."

I had to squeeze my eyes shut to keep the tears from spilling loose. "How could you," I asked, brokenheartedly.

"How could I," he asked dubiously. "You left me Eliza! You ran away with nothing but a damn note saying you were sorry with no other explanation! I fucking fell in love with you and you broke my heart! You knew you did and you still ran!"

Shocked I sat up and turned to look at him. "So you don't forgive me for that night?"

"No," he growled. "I do forgive you for what happened between my brother and you. But I don't forgive you for you running like a coward! You should have told me!"

"I'm not running anymore," I shouted back. Marco had refused to look at me this entire time, his eyes trained on the wall in front of him. "You dated my sister for two fucking years Marco and I haven't ran!
Anyone else would have if they were in my position because it's a very understanding situation but I haven't yet! You know why," I shouted angrily. "Because I love you Marco! I love you so much that I'm forcing myself to stay here and work things out with you so we can have a future! Don't call me a fuckîng coward when you're no better than I am," I seethed. "You intentionally slept with Riley to get back at me."

Marco spun around to face me. "I never slept with her," he said confused.

"Wait what," I asked, confused myself. "You dated her for two years and you never slept with her?"

Betraying Marco [Book 2 of the Stavros Series]✔️Where stories live. Discover now