“How did you figure that out then?” Chloe questioned,

     “On Sunday when we went for coffee together, we agreed to be best friends. And on the same day I realized something else,” Ellie replied.

     Chloe bit her lip, “Go on...”

     “I like someone else,” Ellie said rapidly,

     “What? Spit it out!” Chloe said in a loud tone.

     “Keep it down,” Ellie laughed, “I like Max.”

     “No...Way” Chloe’s mouth formed a shape of an ‘O’, Ellie nodded.

     There was a silence for a minute, until suddenly Jasmine, Jake, Tom and Max showed up.

     Chloe winked at Ellie, making out to say ‘Ooh, look Ellie; there’s Max!’ Ellie laughed.

     “What’s funny?” Jasmine asked, sitting down on a red plastic chair.

     “Nothing,” Ellie grinned,

     “Tell me...” Jasmine frowned.

     “I’ll tell you later,” Ellie said,

     “Okay,” Jasmine replied, lifting a smile up on her face.

     “Tell Jasmine what later?” Max asked making Ellie blush a little.

     “Something about our dog, Oscar.” Ellie lied,

     “Oh, okay. Sounds interesting?” Max laughed.

     “Yeah,” Ellie smiled, before looking at Chloe who was glaring at her deviously. “What?”

     “You know what,” Chloe replied,

     “No I don’t.” Ellie shook her head.


     Looking across the canteen again, Ellie spotted Will with James; and began calling them over.

     “Hey,” Will greeted,

     “Sit down,” Ellie smiled, “Grab a chair.”

     “Ok,” Will shrugged his shoulders, before taking a chair from behind him.

     “Hey baby,” Chloe said pulling on James’ tie,

     “Hey beautiful,” James replied, kissing her lips softly.

     “I don’t think I’ve sat with this many people at a table before,” Ellie giggled,

     “What...seven other people?” James cocked an eyebrow.

     “Yeah, usually it’s just like three of us on a table.” Ellie said quietly,

     “Not anymore,” Will smiled, making a grin form on Ellie’s face.

      I love her grin. Will thought,

     I wish he’d stop staring at me... Ellie thought.

     Will leaned in to kiss Ellie without a thought in his brain; Ellie pushed his chest away from her suddenly.

     “What are you doing?” Ellie asked in a shocked tone,

      “I’m sorry,” Will replied, getting up out of the chair, and speed walking out of the canteen.

     “See you later babe,” James said planting one last kiss on Chloe’s lips,

     “I love you,” She said, as he followed after his best friend who was regretting his last move.


     Will ended up in the Science hallway. He slid down the wall where he sat on his bum. His head were in his hands and anger started to fill up inside of him.

     “I’m so stupid!”

     James sighed, “No you’re not.”

     Will looked up at where James was stood, “I just made the worst move I could make,” He said, “Did you see how she pushed me away?”

     “You’re too late.”

     Will cocked an eyebrow, “I’m too late for what?

     “She’s over you man, you need to start dealing with it.” James sat besides Will, and told him the truth.

     “I can’t,” Will cried, “She’s mine.”

     “Whoa man, you can’t own her.” James laughed to himself,

     Will sighed, “Maybe I can’t, but you have got to help me to get her to fall in love with me again.”

     “You know I’m good with the ladies, stick with me bro and you’ll get her back in a day” James smiled,

     “I can always count on you, man.”

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