Part 16

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Finally, Chloe's all time favourite ride was the next pick after begging for it about three times – the Ferris wheel. And I'm kidding about the all time favourite part; she just wanted Will and Ellie to have a proper conversation.

As always, Chloe and James sat in a different carriage from Ellie and Will. The air began to get cold and all four decided this was the last ride they were going to go on before leaving for home. They paid, and jumped in; before waiting for what felt like forever for the ride to begin.     

"God, when is this ride going to start?" Ellie laughed, being her impatient self.     

"Ha-ha, hopefully in a minute. We've been waiting up here in the cold breeze for at least ten minutes..." Will replied,     

"I'm freezing," Ellie shivered.     

"Here, take my coat." Will smiled, taking of his white thin coat,    

  "No," Ellie replied, "You'll freeze yourself."     

"I'll be fine," Will reassured, "Just take it."     

"Fine," Ellie smiled, before Will slipped his coat over Ellie's shoulders.     

There was a minute of silence, as the ride started to move. But for the first time today, Ellie broke the silence. "Today's been amazing."     

"You can say that again," Will laughed,     

"No, seriously; thank you for inviting me." Ellie turned her head to face Will, and she smiled. She could tell he was freezing; due to the colour of his lips, changing from a rosy pink to a blue-purple shade. And basically, he looked like an ice block. "Here," Ellie started, taking the coat off her shoulders. "Put this back on."     

"No," Will declined, pushing the coat away.     

"Well would you like a cuddle?" Ellie grinned,  

Will's eyes lit up, "Would I?" He said mischievously.    

And without thinking, he placed his arm around Ellie; holding her close. Ellie let him hold her body tight, and she put her left arm around his tense belly.     

"The view is amazing." Will commented,     

"I know," Ellie replied.     

Will sighed, "Ellie, I have something to ask you..."     

"Yes?" Ellie said, cocking an eyebrow.     

"If I said I still have feelings for you, would that ruin our friendship?"     

Ellie was silent for a moment, making Will regret his question. Her lips quivered, "Of course not," She finally said.     

Will sighed in relief before hearing three words exit Ellie's mouth. "Why, do you?"

 Will's body froze. Yes. Yes I do still have feelings for you. He laughed nervously, "No."     

"Oh," Ellie replied, and that single word made Will's heart sink.     

"I'm so thankful to be your friend," Will smiled,     

"I'm thankful to be yours too," Ellie smiled back.     

Will, you fucking wimp. You blew it, once again. You need to make a move, okay? Now don't be an idiot and back out of every chance you have.     

Ellie and Will stared into each other's eyes for a moment or so. Will's temptation to kiss Ellie was growing bigger and bigger, until suddenly, he couldn't help himself. His hand reached out to Ellie's cheek, and she let him place his palm on her face, cupping her right cheek.     

Let it beDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora