Part 9

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The next morning, Ellie woke up and looked at the clock, thinking that she had woken up late again as she had done the past three days while in Miami.

     8:02AM? She thought, cocking an eyebrow. Uh, better text Chloe; see if she’s awake.

     Ellie yawned tiredly and grabbed her iPhone off the bedside table to her right.

     Ellie: Morning, Chloe!

     Chloe: Oh Ellie, you woke me up...

     Ellie: Good, now get up! I’ll see you in half an hour!

     Chloe: Wait, am I coming to yours?

     Ellie: Yeah, I need to speak to you.

     Chloe: Okay, see you.

     Ellie smiled at her phone, but decided not to reply as it would have wasted credit saying ‘bye’. She jumped out of bed joyfully and opened her wardrobe wide.

     What to wear? Ellie asked herself, searching through a rack of clothes.

     She pulled out some blue jeans and a white t-shirt, picked up some clean underwear and headed into the bathroom for a wash. She didn’t bother putting makeup on and just tied her hair into a lose bun. Unexpectedly, there was a knock at the door. Ellie wasn’t expecting Chloe for another hour by past experiences with her lazy friend, but she must have already been up and awake by eight o’ clock that sunny morning.

     “I’ll get it!” Ellie called, running down the stairs as fast as she could.

     The door flew open as she opened it with great force, and there Chloe was stood with a big toothy smile on her tired-looking face. Although, Ellie wasn’t surprised Chloe looked tired as she was never awake at half past eight unless it was a school day.

     “Chloe,” Ellie squealed, “I’ve missed you!”

     Ellie enfolded Chloe into a hug, “I’ve missed you too,” Chloe replied.

     “Let’s go to the living room,” Ellie said, “Mum and Dad are out, and Jasmine’s upstairs so I don’t want her bothering our conversations.”

     “Okay,” Chloe smiled, entering the living room.

     They sat down on the three seated couch. Ellie sat Indian style with her feet up on the couch, getting herself comfortable for the conversation.

     “Okay, so, tell me everything” Ellie started, touching her best friend’s palms.

     “Tell you everything about what?” Chloe questioned,

     “Your holidays...” Ellie answered.

     “Oh! Well, I’ve stayed in England all Easter break. Seen James for most of it, went to Becky’s party last we...” Chloe started,

     “Becky? You mean, popular Becky?” Ellie interrupted.

     “Yeah, crazy right.” Chloe grinned, “anyway, I went to Alton Towers last week, and I saw Will last night... Wait oh shit,”

     “Did you just say you saw Will last night?” Ellie’s eyes widened, “My Will?”

     “You weren’t supposed to find out about that,” Chloe bit her bottom lip.

     “You’re my best friend, Chloe. We tell each other everything,”

     “I know but,”

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