(Mackenzie's POV)

"I got one!" Ella says screaming.

"Oh my God let me see!" I say.

I ran up to her and looked down at her screen. Oh. My. Fuck.

"Ew! That's not hot that's my brother Harry!" I say in disgust.

Their jaws dropped.

"Well damn your brothers hot," Rachel said.

I fake gaged.

"Hazza!" I shouted.

I wanted to properly introduce my new friends to him. He will be so proud that I finally made some new friends. I'm proud too! And this would also be the perfect time to ask him about Villa West.

(Harry's POV)

"Hazza!" I heard Mackenzie shout.

I ran to her direction.

"Harry glad you're here. These are my new friends. This is Rachel and this is Ella," she says pointing at the two.

Louis' sisters! That's why they looked familiar. This is good.

"Nice to meet you both. Oh by the way here's your banana." I said.

She grabbed it.

"Thanks. Oh by the way I wanted to ask you about something. Rachel is taking writing classes at this place called Villa West. It's a building up the road. It's completely free to take classes there. Can I please go there? Please?" She begged.

It sounds good. She can also spend time with Rachel. This is also something she can do besides sit in the house and be bored all day. So why not?

"Yeah. But what time does it start and end?" I ask.

"Three o'clock to seven o'clock," Rachel says.

"Okay that's good. You're gonna be good walking there right Mackenzie? I have work until five so all I can really do is pick you up."

"Yeah that's fine," she says while munching on her banana.

"Oh no need to worry about the getting there situation. My brother Edwin can drive us. I would say my brother Louis but he works too."

"Louis? I know someone named Louis," Mackenzie said.

Shit. Please don't.

"Oh cool!"

Saved oh my fucking god. Okay I need to stop cussing in my head.

"Yeah. He's my brothers friend."

Rachel and Ella looked at me.

Are you the one? Ella mouthed.

I nodded.

"Well it's settled. Thank you so much for telling her about it Rachel. Well Mackenzie we should get going soon. I'm going to order some pizza for dinner. If your friends would like to join that is absolutely fine by me," I said with a smile.

"We'd love to! Just let us call our mum very fast okay?" Ella says.

I nodded.

They walked away from me and Mackenzie and called their mum.

"Do you remember Auntie Sophie?" I ask.


"Okay so that's a no. She was mums friend. A way long time ago. You were two years old. But anyways she remembers you. She came shopping today and I was her cashier. She's gonna come over tomorrow after work. She would love to see you after all these years."


"You don't seem excited?"

She sighed.

"I just wish I remembered her. It's gonna be awkward," she says.

"Don't worry I'll help. You can have Ella and Rachel over if you want too."


Ella and Rachel came back.

"She said it's okay."

"Great. Let's go!"

Hey guys!


Ugh I had my first day of school today. It sucked I was boring I was bored out of my fucking mind.


Anyways haha. I hope you guys had a good day!


Vote/ comment if you liked this chapter!! xx

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