7: please dont tell me you slept with my sister

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when I reach noah room I could smell the scent of alcohol and beer threw the door . '' noah what up . no answer . noah hey it nick wake up . still no answer . I began to bang on the door noah noah I yelled . what noah said swing the door wide open .I could see he had a hangover and looked upset .

are you gonna wake up anytime soon I said he just looed at me with a blank express then walk form the door . when I walk into his room it smelted like a junk yard and that unusal for noah because he room is always clean . not ocd clean but to the point you could eat of the floor .

did you have a rough night I ask.

no just a few drink he said .

a few drink I relpy then look at the 24 pack of beer and 4 big bottle tetical gold . bro what up with you I ask . he look outthe window the said what do you mean .

I mean you been acting bi polor since aprial and winter birthday .

when I mention aprial and winter birthday I knew something was up because he didn't reply .noah tell me what up . if I donnt know how can I help you .I said

there nothing up he repky .

we are like brother dude we tell eachother everything I said .

the room began quiet .then my phone began to ring . I flip open my phon to see a text meggage frome winter .

nick I'm home . aprial didn't come back with me becauser she had a errors .kk talk 2 you later .

I put my phone back in my pocket. then look back at noah . it was winter she just want to us know she back home . I notice his hands began to roll up into a fist . then he punch the wall .

noah what is your problem I yelled .

can you please not say her name around me he said

what you mean not to say her name around you . she live here you going to have too I reply .

but instead of giving me a response he looked back at the wall .well noah tell me what up . don't make me asked again I said

do what you got to do he reply .he began to walk toward the door .but I grab his arm . if you want to leave this room you have to tell me what wrong or fight your way out I said . he pull at his arm but when he notice I wouldn't let go . he threw a punch . but his missed because I doge it . then push he toward the wall an had my hands wrap around his neck .

wow I didn't really think you would do it , did you forget I'm 10x stronger then you I said

it isn't bad to try he said trying to breathe for answer .

I release my hand from his neck and sat on his bed .hebeagn to catch for his breath then look at me ,

do you really want to know he said

would I be up here iff I didn't I reply

he took a deep breathe then said I found my .......mate .

it took me while awile to put that together in my mind .when I never seem seen you with her I said

it's be awhile he said with a sigh.

that great dude but that still doesn't explain you acting like an ass I said

wait there more but don't be leader when I tell you this he said

when did I ever act like a leader I said with a smirk .

whatever dude just relax when i say it my mate is ...... winter

I felt the smirk on my face disappear. she who I said sounding serous .

she win......he beagn tto say but I got up an sucker punch him in the face .he wip the blood from the coner of his lip .

dude I thought you would stay calm. he said while rubing his jaw .

yea that was until I heard your mate was winter. does she know I asked

yea of course she know he rely

how when I was so lost in words I couldn't even say a complete sentence .I took a deep breathe then said when did you find out . he looked at me then walk toward his computer desk an sat down .

I found out the day she turn 18 he said

on her birthday I said .

'' yea on her birthday . when me and the guys were all making jokes about sex . she walk in the room with April . at first I thought it was April . because I smelt the scent of my mate . but since I didn't know it for sure I was going to find out .but before I could check for myself . Luis said it great that April and winter are legal to sleep with now . then I was like yea but who would want to sleep with an four eyes Asia and her side kick . everyone laugh but winter and April .which only made me laugh harder .you asshole winter yelled then walk toward me an punch me in the chest .but instead of feeling pain I felt a spark .. we looked at each other for a minute then pull away . she looked back at me with a blank face then walk away .'' he said then stop talking

um why did you stop that the whole story I said

you want to hear the rest he said .

yea I reply

well after she walk away from me that was the last time I saw her . until she appear at my bedroom door at 12:00am wanted to talk about what happen .of course I let her in . she first began with are you really my mate . then I was like I don't know for sure . but for the first time ever I saw how beautiful she was and I don't know if it was the mating bond or was I just blind in the past for not seeing it before . I began to walk toward her slowly . she back away until her back hit the wall an we were face to face . I took her glasses off an saw the most sexy lime-green eyes in my life . I slowly press my lips against her . at first she was fighting it but soon she let her body give in . she began to kiss me back . then I pull her shirt off and began to...

whoa whoa stop right there can you skip the park were you fuck my sister please I said

nick you guys aren't even blood related he said but I see and treat her like a sister so unless you want to get your ass kick skip it I said ok when I woke up the next day I relies what all I would lose if I mark her . so I did what I had to do . when she woke up I had a talk about us and how it will never happen he said you rejected her I shouted yea he said so that why you guys fight all the time , but that doesn't explain why you were piss last night unless ..unless what he said unless you are jealousy I said' why would I be jealousy he said then rolled his eyes .''' because she went with a another guy ,that why you were acting like a dick last night .you love her don't you I said . he just rolled his eyes again and stood up "what do you want nick, I know you didn't come up here to here about my love life he said '' ''of course you would change the subject Noah but since you told me something I guess I will let it go for now . I began to walk toward the door then look back at him . I came up here to let you know we will began training in 15min . so go clean yourself up an meet me in the field .'' '' but nick would not let anyone else know about this conversation he said . '' yea Noah . but to be honest you better keep her close before you lose her for good . and that was the last thing I said before leaving Noah room

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