Chapter Five: Sick, Cliche Book

Start from the beginning

        "This is stupid. I'm out of here." Sir Jeremy stands up and leaves the room.

        "Kim," Dad tries to reach out for my hand by I retreated. I can't believe he would break such a promise. "We just wanted what's best for both of you."

        "Best for us or best for your business?" I retort and scurry away from them.

         I leave the room, tears quickly rushing down my cheeks. I love my dad, but right now I have all the right to be angry at him. He promised me! He promised he won't do anything unless I agreed to it. I merely agreed to have dinner with the Lincoln family and now I find out that all wedding plans are made already?

          I am about to leave the restaurant when I notice Jeremy out in the garden, looking down the grass under his feet, his arms crossed over his chest. I think he noticed my shadow because he immediately looks up to face me.

         "What are you doing here?" He asks.

         I wipe away my tears before speaking. "I'm sorry for what I've said a while ago. You're a really excellent teacher and I'm in awe of you. It's me who has a problem, not you." I apologize.

          "It's alright," He coldly replies. "I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to call you a spoiled brat. I was just surprised that my mom asked me to quit my job just for the sake of our wedding." A few seconds of silence hovers us until I speak again.

         "Are they serious about the wedding plans being finalized?"

        His jaws clench. "My parents are always serious about everything. So yeah, I guess we're really getting married"

          Can't we do anything about it?"

          He turns to look me. "I don't know. But if my dad wants something to happen, he will do everything in his power to make it possible"

          I huff. "I just don't see why they're dying to get us married. I see different companies partnering up with each other without giving away their children. It's like I'm in some sick cliché book where some stupid writer thinks it's cool to have this as a plot."

           He lets out a small laugh, "Maybe because I'm controlling and you're uncontrollable."

          That gets my attention "What?"

          "My parents know how much a control-freak I am. I want everything in place, unblemished and perfect. Then there's you; irresponsible and rebellious. Perhaps they think opposites are the ideal combination and we'll be a good balance. It's just a theory though."

          "I'm going to forget the insults you've just said."

           He shrugs. "Hey, I'm just stating a fact"

           I roll my eyes at him "So why are you even a teacher if you're already the next CEO of Lincoln Corporation? Don't get me wrong, being a teacher is such an honorable job but you're an heir of a billion-dollar company so why even bother teaching?"

            His body suddenly becomes frigid when I asked that question as if he's uncomfortable answering it. I can sense his apprehension towards this subject by the way his jaws tick and his knuckles form into a fist. I'm about to say never mind but he still replies.

            "My youngest sister hates this profession." His answer is so soft and brief, I almost didn't hear it. That doesn't really make any sense but still I nod and decide to change the topic instead.

            "So about this forced engagement, what are we going to do now?"

             A smile slowly creeps on his face as he turns his body to face me, then clutches both my wrists and pulls me closer to him, making me gasp.

         "Let's make beautiful babies." He quotes from my diary then eases forward until our faces are mere inches away. "Hopefully we'll have twins," He winks.

            I'm still speechless when he suddenly barks out a loud laugh. "You're blushing." This guy is going to be the death of me.

           My hands instinctively cover my cheeks, "No, I'm not."

            He shakes his head, still chuckling, "Don't get that to your big head too much. I was just teasing." He grips my elbow "Let's go back inside. It's cold out here."

            I walk confusedly behind him as he leads us back to the room.

           "So..." Mrs. Lincoln trails off, she glances at Jeremy's hand on my elbow so he immediately pulls it away and thrust them in his side pockets. "I hope everything's alright now?"

            "It's not like we can do anything about it anyway." Sir Jeremy replies with a shrug.

_ _ _ _ _

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