Please dont kill me

936 20 7

Hello everyone.
I know, I know,
It's been a while since I wrote a chapter but in my defence I haven't been able to sleep a lot lately.
In the past week u probably only slept 24 hrs. In a week. I really don't feel good since I've mostly been eating ice cream and soup, ramen, and udon.
Such a bad diet 😷
Anyway I'm really sorry I'm just not feeling well.
I want to thank you guys for being so awesome though.
I really apologize.

On another note guess who joined The Dollars? I did! for real though. I joined two days ago on the 28. I think. I'm tired, so my brain is messed up.
Btw it's sept 1 4:45am and I haven't slept.

I kinda have that feeling when people drink and feel awful the next day. I guess. Like when you don't want to move and have a headache and feel so weak.

Anyway I'm planning on writing another story. What about?
I have no clue.
Please check it out though.

Have any ideas?
You can tell me in the comments or PM (Private message) me.

Durarara (reader insert)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu