1- Assassin

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I got up out of bed, woken by the excessive knocking on my bedroom door. I opened the door, like I did every day, to see a Kraang droid.

"One who is called Elizabeth has been requested by Kraang for what is known as a special mission." it said in its incredibly obnoxious voice.

I rolled my eyes. Every day since I was twelve, I woke up to either a new mission or a training session. Training was fun, because I got to take out my hatred for the Kraang on the ones I was fighting. Missions were fun too, because I got to get away from TCRI for a while.

But my happiness never lasted long.

I changed into black skinny jeans, which I had to pull over the tracking device on my ankle, a black t-shirt, and black leather vest with black combat boots. I applied black cat-eye makeup to my turquoise eyes, and brushed out my dyed black hair. Perfect.

I followed the Kraang to the meeting room, where I was given the overview of my mission.

There were these giant mutant turtles that stole an important piece of technology. A Kraang droid showed me a picture of it, and I nodded. I would track the turtles, get the weird alien thingy back, and give the Kraang the location of their lair. Simple.

Of course, I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't have to. The Kraang had been training me since I was seven, and I had been sent on countless missions, always being tracked or threatened by the Kraang.

I had done things that I deeply regretted, but I blocked them from my mind. This was my life. When it came to my victims, it was always them or me, no matter how innocent they were. I always told them that before I attacked. It wasn't my choice.

I left TCRI, pulling on my black fishnet gloves. It was dark out. I was almost always underground, so sunlight and darkness were insignificant to me. It was always lights on or lights off. Asleep or awake. Never day, never night.

I moved to the rooftops, where I would start looking for the turtles. I had heard a lot about them, but I had never been given any information that wasn't totally necessary.

I took out my iPod and checked the time. 9:07. I sat down, looking around carefully, searching for any sign of the turtles.

My iPod buzzed. It was the Kraang.

Kraang would like the knowledge of Elizabeth's sightings of the ones called the turtles.

I tapped into the wifi and replied:

Oh my glob stop texting me I'll tell you when I see them chill out.

There was no reply. Thank glob.

There was a sound on the rooftop in front of me and I dashed behind a wall. I was tightly gripping the Kraang-modified pistol in my belt with one hand, and the electric katana on my back with the other.

But they didn't find me. In fact, I was able to follow them for a whole two hours until they went down into the sewers. Gross.

I climbed down after them, silently following them to what I guessed was their lair. I hid behind an old subway ticket booth, peeking out slightly.

There it was, the Kraang tech. A glowing purple piece of metal. I was formulating a plan to grab it and run when one of the turtles spoke in a loud voice.

"Are you going to stop hiding, or are we gonna have to come get you ourselves?"

I froze, my breathing growing rapid. I had never killed a target I wasn't ordered to, and I didn't want to start today. I wasn't maniac who enjoyed murder. I wasn't.

I didn't move, and I heard footsteps coming closer. I held my gun firmly, ready to pull it out. As an extra precaution, I set it to stun.

The next thing I knew, I had been lifted by the collar of my vest and was being held in front of a turtle in a blue mask. I pulled my t-shirt over my gun holster, hiding it from sight.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, kicking. It was no use. The turtle holding me only chuckled.

"Who are you?" the one with the blue mask asked, pulling out two katanas. I glared at him. "I'm a victim of circumstance." I said. "And I'll tell you everything if you make. Him. Put. Me. Down."

The turtle I was talking to nodded at the one holding me, and he dropped me. I fell onto my knees, and didn't get up.

"I don't have a choice." I said. "I haven't since I was seven years old. Eight years of being told what to do and where to go, how to live, what to say. It's hell. I don't want to, but I have to. It's not my fault."

I let the turtles stand at me in silent confusion for a moment before pulling out my gun and jumping up, shooting at the glass case holding the Kraang tach.

"She's a Kraang!" the one in red yelled, pulling out a pair of sais. I shot the both out of his hand, and shot him in the chest, causing him to fall over backward.

The one in blue ran at me, but I dodged him easily, holstering my gun and pulling out my katana, which buzzed with electricity. I didn't dodge his next attack, but swung out and electrocuted him. I hot him with the stun-gun for good measure.

A purple-masked turtle came at me with a staff. I cut it in half with my katana, and stunned him as well.

Then came the one in orange, swinging nun-chucks. I grabbed the chain, pulling him toward me and kneeing him in the gut before electrocuting and stunning him as well.

I grabbed the Kraang tech, running out of the lair as they started waking up. They were hot on my trail, so I was sprinting through the sewer tunnels. I climbed out and ran in the direction of TCRI.

The turtles caught up to me about halfway. I pressed the homing signal button on my tracking device before straightening up to face them.

"I told you ready. I didn't choose this. I'm only doing this because they'll kill me if I don't. I'm not even human anymore. Just a weapon. But I don't wan to hurt you if I don't have to."

The one in red cracked his knuckles. "Too bad, because I reeeeaaaally wanna hurt you." he said. What a jerk.

I raised my gun, aiming for his head. It wasn't on stun this time.

"P-please." I said, tears streaming from my eyes. "D-Don't make me do it. I don't want to. J-Just b-back off, and I won't d-do anything. P-please!"

The turtles stopped walking, but I didn't drop the gun. "Just go home, and I won't tell them where you live. I'll just give this back to them. They don't have to know."

Suddenly, three vans pulled up behind me. A Kraang droid took the tech from me, and grabbed me by the upper arm. Hard.

"The one known as Elizabeth was going to speak a lie to Kraang about the location of the ones called the turtles?" he asked as I winced in pain.

I bowed my head, determined to not let it see my tears. "Y-Yes sir. I was. I-I'm s-sorry." I stuttered. The Kraang droid held my arm tighter, and I cried out in pain. It threw me on the ground, and kicked me in the stomach.

I laid there, not moving because of fear, until the Kraang droid lifted me up by the vest and dragged me to the back of the van, throwing me inside. I gave one last sad look to the turtles before sliding down the wall.

Damn, I'm so getting punished when we get back.

New York Assassin (Raphael x OC)Where stories live. Discover now