Facts about my baby myung soo hahah!

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Myungsoo has a younger brother who is two years younger than him.

Myungsoo's home town is in Seoul.

There was a high-class look & an eccentric feeling about L at first but when he starts to speak in his regional dialect, he seems more human-like.

Myungsoo had interest towards being an entertainer rather than a singer.

For Myungsoo, his nose is his best body part.

Myungsoo has a dream as a photographer.

Myungsoo loves to play a ball.

Myungsoo may look delicated but he is actually pretty stubborn and have a temper.

Myungsoo is the member who is very alert with camera.

Myungsoo is the member who eats a lot.

Myungsoo's motto is "Enjoy this moment right now"

As soon as Myungsoo become 20, if there's time, he wants to go on a penniless journey.

L was in God of Study,but his part was cut.

L is just like a pineaple. Hard and rough on the outside but sweet on the inside.

L was similar to Deathnote L when he was a trainee with his long hair and all. Also they say that he moves and voice resembles L from death Note.

L feel most confident with his eyes.

L can spend his one last day with his LOVE.

L role model dbsk.

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