The Truth

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this is what naruto will look like, but leave out tattoo and sage mode. he will wear a black shirt under his overcoat and will wear black pants message me if you don't like it ill try to change to your guys liking's. by the way think of him as a younger version of this picture right now naruto has not even gone into the academy yet.

"huh what happened" i said noticing i wasn't in the alley or the hospital like normal

"oh your up how are you feeling, i tried to heal you as much as possible" the man in the cloak said 

"where am i" i asked hoping i was still in konoha

" you are in Uzushiogakure, it is a small island of the coast of the land of fire that was destroyed in war many years ago" the man said 

"why are we here then if this place is destroyed, and i haven't even heard of this place" i asked 

"well i have been seeking refuge here for a little while, and i thought you would know this place it is the place your mother came from" the man said

"wait you knew my mom what about my dad i want to see them so bad i don't even know there names can you please tell me" i asked trying to hold back my excitement 

"hm so hiruzen did not tell you anything oh well, first i will tell you my name kensi i have been searching for someone like you for a long time" kensi stated

"uh okay hi my name is naruto uzumaki, and what do you mean by jii-san not telling me anything" i shouted in the end

" i meant that hiruzen did not tell you who your parents are im guessing he wanted to hide it from you until you grew older for your father and mother had many enemies nor did he tell you what was sealed inside of you by your father" kensi said 

"well since you are bringing it up are you going to tell me" i questioned 

"i don't see why not but only if you except these gift"he said

"what are the gift?" i stated 

"the gift by which I will be giving you are more presumably a curse" he said

"yet you still do not tell me what the gift is" i stated

"the gift is a great aura that strengthens your body and augments your chakra" kensi answered

"is there a catch" i asked

"the use of this aura drives you into an almost uncontrollable rage and can cause one to not think clearly if not controlled" he said 

"oh" i replied

"I have a feeling that you can control this, will you accept" he said

"... im not sure if I can do it" i hesitantly replied

"I have faith in you" he answered

"then yes I accept" I said

"good to hear now that i know that i can tell you all you want to know" he stated

"thank you okay first thing i would like to know is who are my parents and where are they" i asked

"well first i will tell you about your mother, your mothers name was kushina uzumaki her nick name was konoha's red hot habanero and she died the day you where born next to your father, which his name was minato namikaze" he started

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