Gossip Girl

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It went like that for nearly two more weeks, with Esposito filling in only Lanie on details; Meredeth mentioned it to no-one but her grandmother - trying to keep secrets from Constance Dakkars was like trying to keep Wile E. Coyote from chasing the Roadrunner - which pleased them both. Despite his initial concern that he was acting like she was a 'dirty little secret', Meredeth rightly pointed out that in his job, information was as dangerous as dynamite and nowhere did rumours spread faster than a police precinct. And, she'd added as they'd debated the point over her homemade lasagne - much as it lowered him to admit, a woman who could cook was worth her weight in gold - they weren't having some sordid affair, it was simply a matter of keeping their personal lives personal.

Esposito did discover that the theory was much easier than the application, though, as neither could resist send each other texts stuffed with innuendo and double entendres during their work hours. As he had no private office of his own and he shared a ride with Ryan, he figured he deserved an Oscar for the way he was able to keep a straight face when she sent him notes like 'Just got out of the bath, i'm all wet and missing you'. He'd fielded some questions from all three of his colleagues and they'd bought his not-quite truthful answers, but he knew that his luck would run out sooner or later.

Things finally came to a head when he entered the squad room one afternoon after a pre-night-shift coffee with Meredeth. The Bodega Stalker case was still the priority, as he'd lain low for six days, and they were running short of time before the feds were going to step in. The quartet as well as Lanie stood around the murder board, tried desperately to figure out what Finch, Satipo and Weaver had in common that would make them targets.

"Maybe we're looking at another Redding Prep," Castle suggested, yawning hugely. "Friends covering for friends so they can't get screwed over."

"Except Leia Finch was a regular customer because she worked in the neighbourhood. She lived on the Lower East Side, where most of her friends were," Beckett replied as she studied each victim's profile.

"What if she overheard something going down between Brandon and Fredo?" Ryan chipped in. "Fredo kills her, then Brandon kills Fredo and offs himself to make it look like we've got a stalker."

"Fredo is allibied solid for Leia's murder. He was assisting in evening mass at Santa Maria on West Ninety-Seventh, leading hymns in the choir with his sister-in-law."

"What if we're looking at it from the wrong angle? What if one of the men was the target and Leia was taken out because of some unknown connection? Maybe she was seeing one of them, or both and someone found out, didn't like it."

Lanie slid her gaze to Esposito, tried not to smile. She was still the only one who knew about Meredeth, but held her tongue with some difficulty as Castle turned his 'c'mon bro' expression on Esposito.

"Since when are you an expert on love affairs?"

"It is worth a look," Beckett suggested. "If she'd been seeing Fredo or Brandon, someone might get jealous that he picked an outside from the neighbourhood."

Esposito nodded along, distracted by the buzzing cell phone in his pocket. He pulled it out, gave a quick glance at the screen. Incoming text: Mere C, it read. He pressed the button to read it and felt the grin spread on his face. 'On my way to an early show review, with my very own big bucket of popcorn. xx M.' He gave a little laugh, stuffed his phone back in his pocket.

"Something funny, Detective?"

He looked up, saw Beckett drilling him with a severe stare. He cleared his throat, crossed his arms. "No, ma'am, just a personal call. It can wait."

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